Benjisayers - Training Log.


He is a trouble maker Delvis! He came in to my gym slamming weights around and leaving puddles of water all over the place and generally just being naughty. :( tut-tut!

I think I may already have a small book lying about somewhere.
Puddles of water? He's a right dribbler.

Log book will help though, easier to sxribble on as well

Edit: can pick them up in tesco for a few quid :)
True fact, got told off for slamming the weight, pretty hard to put 140kg down gently. Bish should've been mirin my glutes :mad:
Yesterdays back/bi's day:

Deadlifts 5*5 @ 75kg
Lat Pull Down 3*10 @42.5kg
Seat Row 3*10 @ 50kg
T Bar Row 3*9 @ 20kg
Bi's BB 3*10 @ 15kg
Bi's DB 1*10 @ 10kg 2*10 @ 8kg

Todays Shoulders:

OHP 1 *10 @ 40kg 4*10 @ 30kg
DB Shoulder Press 5*10 10kg
Shoulder Press machine/front raise super set 3*10 25kg (SPM) & 3 *10 10kg (FR)
Delt Machine 3*15 @ 50kg

I'm busy this weekend so have had to condense my workout to Wed/Thurs/Fri where I would usually have a days rest between so felt a tad fatigued today but going to make sure I get an early night to get as much sleep as possible as it'll be Legs first thing tomorrow.

My OHP I felt a bit weird about as I was doing these with monkee on Sun @ 40kg and felt pretty good about them but did my first set at 40kg today and was struggling by the end of that so knocked the weight down. Not sure if it's because I'm doing it as early in the day as I am and on an empty stomach besides a pre-workout compared to Sun where it was midday and I had eaten before and was fully awake.

I was happier with my deadlifts yesterday as well, not going to claim they are perfect but remembered the pointers I was given and felt better for it. just need to keep doing it rep after rep now.

Going to introduce the facepull to my shoulder routine next week too.
Remember to warm up in the morning before doing your working weights, this goes for everything really. Get some caffeine down you or something to wake you up if you need :).

My morning OHP is better than my evening ones at the moment!
I typically find OHP is such a weak lift that if your body isn't fuelled correctly it'll have a massive impact on it.

On an aside, ill probably be heading down the local Grants on Saturday before the LAN if to fancy a sesh. It'll be early tho.
I typically find OHP is such a weak lift that if your body isn't fuelled correctly it'll have a massive impact on it.

On an aside, ill probably be heading down the local Grants on Saturday before the LAN if to fancy a sesh. It'll be early tho.

Backload the night before if it's a morning session :D My lifts flew up once I did that.
Light weights for me. Like OHP I warm up with the bar, then 40kg then do my working sets.

Back loads are very effective as well if you need it, try it once a week?
All my training is done first thing in the morning from 06:30.

I don't leave work at a fixed time and I go to a commercial gym so I can't guarantee being able to go after work and when I do its always heaving. This way I have a nice routine I can be sure of. :-)
Invest in some backloading and proper warm ups before exercising then :) I would say something like BCAA might help if you're also training fasted too. I was a morning trainer for around a year too.
I have to warm my shoulders up proper good as they're so snapped up....

Static stretches on a wall
Light weight warm up (basically have two 2.5 plates held, bring them above my head and down again in a fluid motion)
Sometimes band dislocations
Might be worth looking at the five way shoulder stretch?

Granted I'm probably more of an extreme case but still. Just do some light sets before at least :) I warmup with the 8's for seated shoulder press :o
Cheers it's all good food for thought. I bizarrely really enjoy the morning training. Will can back me up in that I'm not a morning person at all but it helps me get up and I'm always switched on an awake by the time I get to work unlike how I used to be.
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