Benjisayers - Training Log.

Stoodle pls let us be cereal.

Today was leg day due to be busy this weekend was leg day, that most humbling of days.

Leg Ext 3*10 @ 75/65/65kg
Squats 5*10 @ 40kg
Leg Press 5*10 @ 110/120/120/120/110kg
Leg Curls @ 3*10 @65kg
Standing Calves 5*10 @ 110kg

The weight on my squats was dropped for this week as when with Wills at the weekend he pointed out I was 'high barring' it and also doubling over a bit during my squats so the idea behind today was to really work on getting used to having the bar in a different position and my form in general. Felt much better for it as last week I could feel I was putting some load on to my lower back and struggled unloading the mountain of 25's left on the leg press but this week I was ok. I really felt like I was hitting the right muscles during the exercise as well compared to before.

The rest was just a general leg day for me. I took heed of what some of you said yesterday and after my first set of leg ext's decided to drop the weight rather than increase so it was more of a warm up and also did a set of 5 with just the bar prior to doing my squats to make sure I was limber for it.
How did the squats feel after the warm up? I would also say get wills to get a vid of your form and post it here, but im sure he knows what he's doing too :).

Good job!
Good work bro, glad you remembered to keep the bar low this time :)

Deception, will film him next time I'm training with him. He's got poor hip flexibility ATM, struggles to hip hinge naturally so his lumber spine is a bit compromised at times, but this will come with repetition. It also seemed to affect his Deadlifts more than his squats.
Here you go, a quick hip opening exercise to do before squats and deadlifts :)

I was having the same issue yesterday with my deadlift. Only after I done the main sets and did some drop sets, that I could feel my hip opening up!
It's hard for me to compare after the warm up as I was doing 20kg lighter than I had been so that it's self made it a fair bit easier. Next week should give me a better indication I hope. Cheers for the video too I shall watch it tonight.

I paid close attention to my feet placement today as well and made sure they were the correct width and to make sure they opened the right way. Felt like I was able to really drive the bar back up.
Nothing new for me to add as of lately.

I think the 3 days back to back last week coupled with not enough rest and the douche that decided he would just keep coughing over me while I was doing leg curls has left me with a cold. As a result I've been out of action as I've just been too tired and deathly to do anything. Hoping to get back in there by the end of the week but I'm away from Fri to Sun :(

Goodby gainz.
Bro. What kind of person do you want to be? The sort of person that says "urgh cold, cba :(" or "**** you illness, there is just too much handsome going on up in here to let you rustle my jimmies"?

I know which I want to be - the one that isn't a phaggot.
You'll find going to the gym actually helps clear it up sometimes, or at least makes you feel good temporarily :p
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Well I was back in the gym today after a week of being ill and being away in London over the bank holiday.

Today being Wednesday naturally meant to was back and bi's day. Yyyyyeeeeaah!

Deadlifts 5*5 @ 80kg
Lat Pulldown 3*10 @ 42.5kg
Seated Row 3*10 @50kg
T-Bar Row 3*8 @ 20kg
Barbell Curls 3*10 @ 15kg
DB Curls 3*10 @ 9kg's each

Felt good to be back again and I'm feeling pretty good about my form on the deadlifts. Gave mixed grip a go today and might stick with it as it felt pretty comfortable.
We need another "bro" down soon, keep that form checked to see if your lumber spine is going for a wander again :)

Rest of it looking good though Broseph.
When I had a quick glance in the mirror while doing my DL's at the point where I was tensing pre-lift and with my head down I was pretty much a straight line from what i recall. But that sounds good to me though either way.
Shoulder day my partners in crime:

OHP 5*5 @ 35kg
DB Shoulder Press 3*10 @ 12kg 2*10 @ 10kg
Shoulder Press Machine/Front raise SuperSet 3*10 @ 25kg & 10kg
Delt Fly 3 * 15 @ 50kg
Facepulls 3 * 10 @ 25kg

I struggled with the latter sets of my OHP and I think a bit with my DB press as when I first racked up the bar for my OHP I made a slight counting error.... I couldn't work out why I couldn't lift the bar up at all lol! I think that resulted in me fatiguing myself unnecessarily.
Pro overhead training tip for a bro of my bro: do an overhead shrug or 3 on the last rep of each set. Doesn't matter if you don't think the bar isn't moving much.

I know you believe me anyway because I'm so handsome, but try it for a session and you'll understand.
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