Guess who's back, back again?!
I haven't fallen off the cart with the lifting, It's just been a case of the past few weeks that I've been finishing working and trying to watch all of Breaking Bad and eating my meals so I've not really had time to properly post what I've been doing.
I won't post everything, just what I'm up to on what I think people count as the core lifts and what kind of sets I do. If I miss anything just shout.
Squats: 55kg 5*10
Deadlift: 90kg 5*5
Bench: 47.5kg 5*5
OHP: 40kg 5*5
Starting doing my back day on the evening the past couple of weeks and have found the lifts a lot easier so will be sticking with this I think for this day. Rest are still morning jobs. I should be further ahead with my squats I think, I had a session with Wills a couple of weeks back and he thinks I've been robbing myself of gains by working at too low a weight so we knocked it up and I'm taking it from where you see.