Best bands to come from england?

Technically probably

The Beatles. or Led Zep.

but ill go for....

Depeche mode like mentioned above. Still turning out excellent albums 20 years later.
if dragonforce are on the list then im adding InMe to it - no way they cant go without a mention, music that isnt a cheese fest :p (lyrics can be a bit stereotypical at times)
in no order...

the verve
the coral

i was tempted by the libertines, but theres not enough room. and i know most people would slate me if i did cos pete doherty is a 'dirty smack head' etc but i dont really care
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Ozric Tentacles
King Crimson

Lost Prophets are sell outs lol

can't believe Sikth or Ozric Tentacles haven't given a mention, what about King Crimson?
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penski said:


when did squarepusher become a band :p

thought you might like to know theres a goo dinterview with him in computer music magazine about how he got "his" sound.

i like his stuff too
Hedge said:
Love the band mate, but surely you can name more than one :)

Ah good point, er,

Iron Maiden
Dexys Midnight Runners
The Kinks
The Beatles

Loads and loads to mention, I just picked some of the slightly obvious and obscure :) British music is awesome.
And lol @ people putting bands like Coldplay and Dragonforce up there with the British greats.
andy8271 said:
when did squarepusher become a band :p

thought you might like to know theres a goo dinterview with him in computer music magazine about how he got "his" sound.

i like his stuff too

I used a little artistic interpretation and edited the title to 'Best musical artists to come from England' in my head ;)

Read the interview...'tis rather good :)

Phalanx said:
can't believe Sikth or Ozric Tentacles haven't given a mention, what about King Crimson?
Hmm I forgot about sikth, they would have been in my top 5 if i'd remembered

/slaps forehead
1. Motorhead
2. The Jam
3. Iron Maiden
4. Madness
5. Dragonforce

Thats my 5, in the correct order (imo).

Seems not too many people like motorhead :p :(

The Smiths
Joy Division
Bloc Party

Maybe I missed the generation, I suppose I appreciate bands like The Beatles and Queen, and like their music. That said, I never ever listen to them recreationally when I'm given the choice of other (maybe lesser) bands.
The Beatles - I mean it's got to be in it surely? It's like the blue print for pop songs
Led Zeppelin - Now this is Rock and Roll

The other 3 are just all up for grabs

Pink Floyd
The Clash
The Who
Rolling Stones
Deep Purple

Oasis shouldn't be in it, it's too new (even thou is more than a decade), but it's music isn't ground breaking. Nor does muse or anything after 1980, i am not saying that are not good but they wouldn't be here if not for bands that came before them. Which to me had to be a step above other bands to break new grounds.
Raymond Lin said:
The Beatles - I mean it's got to be in it surely? It's like the blue print for pop songs
Led Zeppelin - Now this is Rock and Roll

The other 3 are just all up for grabs

Pink Floyd
The Clash
The Who
Rolling Stones
Deep Purple

Oasis shouldn't be in it, it's too new (even thou is more than a decade), but it's music isn't ground breaking. Nor does muse or anything after 1980, i am not saying that are not good but they wouldn't be here if not for bands that came before them. Which to me had to be a step above other bands to break new grounds.

I dont see why just because they're years old, they cant be regarded as one of the best - oasis, stone roses etc started a new trend in music in itself. And as many bands have said, they probably wouldnt be around/play the same if it hadnt been for oasis. But then again, oasis say the same about the beatles
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