Best breakfast cereal?

Cheers guys might give porridge a try in a few days to. :)

Tom have a cyber man hug!

You won't regret it, ticks all your boxes and it's just about the best thing you will eat of a morning.

Wanting any tips on making it.... shout out.


I generally change between Shreddies, Cheerios and Shredded wheat (generally the own brand versions) and occasionally buy something like Crunchy Nut Cornflakes or similar, where you have to by the real deal as the copies suck.
I don't like hot porridge so I put my oats, milk/water and blueberries in a bowl the night before and leave it in the fridge to soak.
I find it much lighter on the stomach than cooked oats, but still keeps you full just as long.
Anything which isn't refined or processed. Porridge is ideal.

You can get some good quality 0 sugar processed/refined granola too - it is more expensive though, but worth it for your health.

The problem is, even all those "healthy" cereals, have lots of sugar in them. Even Bran flakes and wheatabix etc....

Ultimately, if you want to stay fuller longer, a mixture of low GI carbs and protein will sort you out.
Fruit and fibre/ bran flakes all the way.
Cornflakes or weetabix on occasion.

In place of decent breakfast food (pancakes, fried stuff etc.)

Can't understand people who eat sugary cereal in the mornings, couldn't stomach that.
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