Best breakfast cereal?

I don't like hot porridge so I put my oats, milk/water and blueberries in a bowl the night before and leave it in the fridge to soak.
I find it much lighter on the stomach than cooked oats, but still keeps you full just as long.
I didn't know you could do that. I always get a bit freaked out about eating uncooked oats, don't they swell up in your stomach? :p

Personally I go for either fruit and fibre with banana etc on top, or porridge with banana. However I seem to remember reading somewhere that there really is no better breakfast than good muesli with yoghurt and fruit.

There's people at work that come in and have two slices of toast for breakfast. Every day without fail. I can't understand that, I'd be hungry in an hour!
Cereals have loads of sugar in them.

You're better off having some wholemeal bread (although the mass produced stuff is pretty poor quality and rubbish) and eggs.

However, if you do want cereals, porridge (with no additives) is pretty good.
If the aim here is to "feel fuller for longer" without spending any more time in the morning, you want muesli. Porridge is better though, I was a fan for many years and the microwave stuff ain't half bad.

Now I get up 5 minutes earlier, make poached eggs and bacon every morning. Nothing compares to eggs for filling you up, when I first made the switch I could often skip lunch! Gotten used to it now -pats belly- sometimes I'll grab some fruit before lunch but not often.
I've been eating porridge for a while was buying oats so simple (10pack) without paying attention to other oats. So now moved to 1.5KG bag (Sainsburys Own) 100% oats and they are a lot better! and cheaper! £1.50! instead of oats so simple packs with added sugar n whatnot for £2.20 on special buy.

& another odd thing is i used to have 2 sugar in my tea and none in my coffee. & woke up one day totally despising sugar (over 2 years now) in tea so i don't have sugar in any drink or drink cola/fizzy anymore.

And the last few weeks ive not been having any tea/coffee and drinking water instead.

Since i hit 30 in feb, gained weight and have a slight belly :( so thought cut out things and see what happens
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I goto my local healthfood shop and buy toasted oats, malted wheat flakes and rye flakes. Mix a hand full of each with about 100g of yogurt and job done! Lasts me gram 8am until 4pm when I get my break at work!
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