I like the copperhead, but i I must admit, it takes some getting used to as its shape is simetrical rarther then specific to the normal right handed mouse which fits just right in the palm of your hand. But once you have the hang of it, its lightweight allows you to blast around at speed and precision. The only nag is the hard to reach thump buttons which are tucked under the side of the mouse at your thumb joint as apposed to the end of your thumb.
I upgraded from a Logitech MX700 and have to say Im better for it. the mx700 stopped being able to recharge batteries (got about about an hours play maximum) and the logitech drivers are pretty bad as they dont always detect game properly so the precition and speed is all wrong and dont always have all buttons available in game. Mouse acceleration usualy ended up being on when its not supposed too. A wired mouse is really the only choice for those long games sessions, no chance of some random equipment interfearing with the wireless signal and a 0.5 meter limit.
The 2000dpi brings the copperhead into a league of its own especially when playng games in 1600x or higher screen res. Then use the mouses own sensitivity slider to change the speed in game. have it low for normal running around, and then ramp it right up when super speed is needed (Planetside - max suits).