Best Gaming Mouse ?

i have the copperhead and i do like it but the build is pretty poor, had it about 6 months now (Cant remember, basically when they came out). It's suited to me as i'm left handed otherwise i would have gone to logitech.

I actually sent this mouse back to OCuK because the left front side button doesnt work (press it and the button feels like there nothing behind it) but they just sent it back with no fault found which i thought was abit of a joke.
I have the g5 and g7 and can't tell the difference in terms of reposniveness. I prefer the g7 cause it is very light, and no wires, but the battery is rubbish. You get a charger though and a 2nd battery, and you can always have one charging while using the other. Takes all of 5 seconds to swap them around.
Ive got a Diamondback, and its brilliant, it took me a while to get used to but im fine with it now. I just need a decent mouse mat.
Got a DiamondBack myself, and and totally amazed with how it performs, its robust and takes a beating from me, yet still looks sleek n sexy whenever its not in my hand

/Takes a moment to admire his diamondback

ahhhh :)

Not sure if the copperhead is worth the extra, but if i had a second choice it would be that! the logitech mice just look to clunky to me IMHO
Foehammer2003 said:
the logitech mice just look to clunky to me IMHO

They are a fair bit bigger but certainly not "clunky". I have large hands so the logitech suit me just fine. I sometimes use a diamondback but by far prefer my mx1000 and will be getting a g5 for gaming soon.
Razer Copperhead here - great mouse. Feels really nice to me, it's smaller than the G5/G7 so you control it with your fingers rather than your whole hand. The G5/G7/Copperhead all perform pretty much exactly the same so it really just comes down to whichever shape you prefer.
i got a copperhead tempest blue such an amazing mouse love the fact its so light and sleek also the software is nice top mouse
mx1000 was t heavy and big to hard to use in games

copper head cheap dont like wires and as said 2000dpi to sensitive

g7 best mouse every owed as sed worse thing is barrys run out qiuck after a while but you get 2 so who cares
I was using a Logitech MX510, nice mouse but I coudnt use it very well with an Icemat II so used a cheapy 2.99 mat I had been using for about 7 years.

Anyway I upgraded to the Logitech G5 a few weeks ago, I find this mouse a lot better to use in fps games along with my Icemat II.

One thing which is WORTH noting! the G5 surface seems be made of a better quality finish, dust/grease etc doesnt stick to the surface like the MX510 did which was annoying. The cord is Nylon Braided not plastic which is lighter & seems more durable.

Best mouse I have used so far - G5!
kinggost said:
mx1000 was t heavy and big to hard to use in games

copper head cheap dont like wires and as said 2000dpi to sensitive

g7 best mouse every owed as sed worse thing is barrys run out qiuck after a while but you get 2 so who cares

how do you mean the copperhead was cheap, as in the design? cos it sure as hell isnt the cheapest mouse around :p
thanks for the great feedback guys, hopefully this will help others that are also in a quandry as to which high end gaming mouse to purchase :)

Aidoscuz said:
Razer Copperhead here - great mouse. Feels really nice to me, it's smaller than the G5/G7 so you control it with your fingers rather than your whole hand. The G5/G7/Copperhead all perform pretty much exactly the same so it really just comes down to whichever shape you prefer.

cheers, the shape is exactly what I was worried about, your comment "it's smaller than the G5/G7 so you control it with your fingers rather than your whole hand" has won me over, my current mouse is fairly light and I do like controling it with my fingers rather than using my whole hand which is what I did'nt like about the MX1000 when I gave it a go.

Also found this comment on another forum about the Razer Copperhead

"The Copperhead is a finger mouse, that is you hold it with your fingers instead of your whole hand. For half a day of using it yesterday, i really like it more than the MX510. You can also put your whole hand on it but then you loose some of the precision. With the Copperhead half of the hand is on the mouse, but your palm is on the desk "

So it looks like it comes down to the fact of whether you like a *finger mouse* (Razer) or a *hand mouse* (Logitech).

I'm gonna for the Razer Copperhead, finger mouse f t w :)
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I like the copperhead, but i I must admit, it takes some getting used to as its shape is simetrical rarther then specific to the normal right handed mouse which fits just right in the palm of your hand. But once you have the hang of it, its lightweight allows you to blast around at speed and precision. The only nag is the hard to reach thump buttons which are tucked under the side of the mouse at your thumb joint as apposed to the end of your thumb.

I upgraded from a Logitech MX700 and have to say Im better for it. the mx700 stopped being able to recharge batteries (got about about an hours play maximum) and the logitech drivers are pretty bad as they dont always detect game properly so the precition and speed is all wrong and dont always have all buttons available in game. Mouse acceleration usualy ended up being on when its not supposed too. A wired mouse is really the only choice for those long games sessions, no chance of some random equipment interfearing with the wireless signal and a 0.5 meter limit.

The 2000dpi brings the copperhead into a league of its own especially when playng games in 1600x or higher screen res. Then use the mouses own sensitivity slider to change the speed in game. have it low for normal running around, and then ramp it right up when super speed is needed (Planetside - max suits).
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G5 user for about 6 months here. Maybe I just have alsrge hands, but the rear of my palm still sits on my desk. I say it in every thread of these that comes up, I love it, and would never switch to another mouse until something better comes along.
G5, I don’t want to even consider recharging, I find it ergonomic, realisable and very customizable not to mention eye-catching…
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