Best looking PC Game ?

Say no more.
I'm not even super happy with my screenshots. This was when Nvidia first offered DSR, and I hadn't messed with the smoothness settings yet, so my game and subsequently my screenshots came out a lot softer than they probably could have been(default setting was 33%). Useful for a game with aliasing problems, but since Ryse probably has the best AA solution of all-time, I could have reduced the smoothness setting drastically and come out with a much sharper image.

I mean, these shots were downsampled from 1440p(playable at mostly 60fps with a GTX970, I must add), not some crazy resolution and just look at how amazingly clean they are. It's incredible what Crytek were able to acheive with their anti-aliasing solution. Utterly ridiculous. And combined with the graphical prowess put on display for Ryse, a game designed for the XB1, I could not come away from the game anything but absolutely awestruck. A monumental achievement in graphics. And well optimized to boot.

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Witcher 3.

The details in city of Novigrad is astonishing.

I've never taken so many screenshots (And I take a lot)

Before witcher it was modded skyrim but all the scenery seems too static after playing w3.
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Gtav looks stunning, but tbh the only game thats had me just stop playing to stare at how beautiful it is is modded skyrim, i once, after a particularly big modding session somehow ended up spending 10 minutes looking at ants walking on a tree stump in amazement.

Kerbal space program has its share of good scenes too, when you see a planet looming up from the depths of space or the moons of jool have a certain cosmic belittling effect even if the actual graphical fideliy isn't all that.

Tbh its not always the graphical fidelity that makes a beautiful game, some games can be almost too busy clouding a not particularly good scene with bells and whistles to distract you from it thats why skyrim tends to be good because often you get the time to just be awed by the scenery.
I'm going to be a contrarian and say Dishonored. Yes I know the textures are not state of the art and nothing like the fidelity of the screenshots above, but the overall feel was just so right for the atmosphere in the game.
GTAV has absolutely incredible attention to detail and some nice assets at times, but it still shows its last gen roots quite often and it has massive, massive aliasing problems at 1080p. Bring it up to 4k though, and it's pretty ridiculous looking. Completely transforms the graphics, if you ask me. Even such a simple scene like here looks great:

I'm going to be a contrarian and say Dishonored. Yes I know the textures are not state of the art and nothing like the fidelity of the screenshots above, but the overall feel was just so right for the atmosphere in the game.
I wouldn't put it in the running of best looking PC game ever, but Dishonored definitely had a great look to it. Was also one of the best PC ports around. You can run it at 4k with a solid 60fps on a GTX970.

Awesome game, too. Absolute sleeper hit.

You'll be able to do a fair bit with a 7970, but combining some of the more ridiculous grass mods and ENB's might be out of reach with playable performance levels.

These are not my shots here, by the way. I haven't modded Skyrim this extensively, but this is what kind of stuff is possible:


Going to spend the weekend figuring out what mods I need to get Skyrim like that.

Just cannot play Ryse, it's the most tedious game ever even in 4k(which sometimes makes mediocre games good).
I wouldn't put it in the running of best looking PC game ever, but Dishonored definitely had a great look to it. Was also one of the best PC ports around. You can run it at 4k with a solid 60fps on a GTX970.

Yeah definitely a great looking game even if not the most cutting edge visuals - very highly stylised with a good degree of polish.

I've always thought Test Drive Unlimited 2 was a bit under-rated for its graphics while it can be a bit hit and miss sometimes the sheer amount of detail in some scenes is incredible.
Some great recommendations here but the best I've seen is The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, devs have just released a UE4 version for free to all owners as well. These are on UE3.





^ I'd forgotten Ethan Carter! I was even able to use DSR at 4K down sampled to 1200p on a single GTX 980 at the time, absolutely stunning.

I'm going to be a contrarian and say Dishonored. Yes I know the textures are not state of the art and nothing like the fidelity of the screenshots above, but the overall feel was just so right for the atmosphere in the game.

This is a fair point, it was in no way technically proficient but it had a very unique art style that made it visually appealing. As a bonus it's an absolutely great - and for modern times - quite original game.
ethan carter does look nice.

if you messed about with any engines doing stuff like unreal a cryengine i would say cryengine is probably nicest still.

thing is it just takes so much horsepower to get the very best.

skyrim is nice with enb and mods but some mods are very bad and time consuming to install or conflict.
skyrim is nice with enb and mods but some mods are very bad and time consuming to install or conflict.

And that was my problem with Skyrim, I spent more time modding than playing and when I eventually got around to the 'playing' bit it turned out to be crap.
Planetside 2 on Ultra in a huge 200+ player battle. Technically not the greatest graphics but no other game comes close to the scale of these battles.
At night/dawn/sunset or with dense atmospheric weather GTAV it can look amaxing but in broad daylight it can look ugly and some of the pop in is attrocious, even for a huge open world game. I also think GTA has a had a slight graphics downgrade since the last update. Rock formations look more polygonal and some shaders have been toned down or removed, like wet shaders on riverside rocks and shore sand.

I don't think it looks anywhere close to ugly in broad daylight. I'd say it looks pretty great, especially the lighting. I'm running the game at 1440p with SweetFX+increased traffic density and it has a very vibrant feel to it). GTA V works best as the entire package: fantastic looking environment (sunsets, weather, water, reflections), great physics, astonishing attention to detail and the impression that you're in a living, breathing world. Very few games manage to pull that off on such a scale.

Personally, I think that Witcher 3 looks ridiculously bad at times (even though it's a good looking game in general). Haven't had a moment in GTA V that would make me say "crikey, that looks awful!"
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