Best Rollercoaster you've been on.

neil3k said:
For me it has to be Kraken at Seaworld in Orlando FL. What has yours been ?
Kraken was rubbish compared to The Incredible Hulk at Islands of Adventure which is nearby. Still good though.

And despite being a bit of a theme park fanatic, I don't care what anyone says, you are hard pressed to beat the front seats of Nemesis at alton towers. Nothing comes close in the UK!
Top Thrill Dragster in Ohio, absolutely mental. Gets up to something like 120mph and 500ft in the air. Pure adrenaline!

In the UK though, another vote here for Nemesis.
God, now threres a tough question, there are so many good ones for different reasons.

I like kraken the same as the OP but the hulk in universal the the one I just couldnt get enough of! In a different league though is SheiKra at Busch gardens, superb for a vertical coaster!
Oblivion (the one where you go downwards) and Nemesis at Alton Towers was really good. As was Rita (the really really fast one) at Thorpe Park.
Air was very crap. No wonder the lines were empty.
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I have MANY
  1. Kraken (Sea World)
  2. Incredible Hulk (Islands of Adventure)
  3. Air (Alton Towers)
  4. Colossus (Thorpe Park)
  5. Stealth (Thorpe Park) Superb ride! Really does make you go "wow!" Luckily I live about 20 mins away from Thorpe park :cool:

Not in an order :)
The new ones are great but you just cannot beat the old woody on Gt Yarmouth front. The whole thing feels like it will fall to bits at any mo and going under the bridge thing you think your head will be cut off no matter how many times you go under it.

I bet someone will post that it's been torn down now.
subxero said:
Montu - Busch Gardens
Kraken - Sea World
Kumba - Busch Gardens
Sheikra - Busch Gardens (Never pooed myself so much as we were looking over the edge :p)

which one was the big water ride with a bridge at the end of it ?? i remember standing there wondering why the floor was soaking... turned around and saw a tidal wave :P
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