I appreciate that people obsess about the calorific counter on the exercise machines, but the biggest help is resting metabolism. This is why (most) kids and young people can eat whatever they want - they burn it off due to high metabolisms.
Obviously they cheat with hormones (such as HGH) as growing is a strenuous task, but we can mimic the effects through High Intensity Training. The effect of which preserves the muscle mass you may have acquired, as well as boosting your metabolism higher than endurance cardio. I believe when I read into it, HIIT over a week vs. running a 30min treadmill session boosted the metabolism far greater, for longer, and preserved muscle.
Endurance training/Cardio will burn more calories initially - however these will be latent energy in the blood/liver, and then it will use Muscle for fuel. NOT what anyone wants, as it is NOT burning fat, but muscle. Then after the exercise, the metabolism will peak to a modest amount.
* There are lots of complex physiological terms for what i've described in layman terms which some members may be able to fill in the gaps, but this is what i've found works for me, and what has been preached to work for others.