"is it her fault she has a business that's thriving"...well yes, she started it up and built it on the misery of others.
"people with weak minds who think there going to win .. need help .. but why is that her fault"...she employs psychologists who are hired to specialise in helping create gambling games that are addicitve. They are designed to use techniques, associated with addiction, to maximise a persons seratonin hit, that makes them come back for more.
If you didn’t know it, you will soon discover how casinos use design psychology to get you to gamble more. Read here to find out!
" if a fat person walks into a supermarket every day and spends £80 is that the fault of the supermarket?"...Food addicts don't make up 80%+ of a supermarkets profits.
Gambling companies specifically target problem gamblers to encourage them to spend every penny they have...and then some. Normal rational people can be turned into zombies by gambling. I'm not saying ban gambling, I'm saying ball ALL gambling advertising and put gamblers back in the bookies where they belong.