bet365 boss pays herself £265 MILLION

The fact is she's gotten rich off of the backs of poverty porn, the effects of which will count towards the destruction of this dear old dysfunctional society, while she sips her £2000 French wine and snorts the purest coke.

/ topkek
lol. you should probably read basic economics.

Can you elaborate?

From what I understand all he's trying to say was that amassing billions while paying the slaves nothing and watching the slaves barely have enough time to raise their children because they're mining gold for them, and they buy yatchs and private jets, is greedy.

What's that got to do with the study of economics?

Isn't the entire economic system is heading for catastrophic collapse if they keep on milking everything at exponentially rising rates? More milkage of any and every resource has been done in the past 100 years than in any point in earth history. The world's spinning on artificially inflated money with no real value.
Can you elaborate?

From what I understand all he's trying to say was that amassing billions while paying the slaves nothing and watching the slaves barely have enough time to raise their children because they're mining gold for them, and they buy yatchs and private jets, is greedy.

What's that got to do with the study of economics?

Isn't the entire economic system is heading for catastrophic collapse if they keep on milking everything at exponentially rising rates? More milkage of any and every resource has been done in the past 100 years than in any point in earth history. The world's spinning on artificially inflated money with no real value.

It's aight, we need a bit of violent retribution now and then to reset the system.
People got paid minimum wage and up, which all of them are happy to sign no the dotted line when they took the job, and are not on the dole, have jobs, paying taxes, NI contributions.

She created a company that did all that, honestly you can't win, you make something and create jobs in the area and the vultures here wants more and more. Perhaps she should just close the whole thing down and take her business elsewhere so another forum in another country can start a thread about her not paying cleaners there £25k in bonuses.
Because I don't have a passport?
how lazy, better go get one then :p
Can you elaborate?

From what I understand all he's trying to say was that amassing billions while paying the slaves nothing and watching the slaves barely have enough time to raise their children because they're mining gold for them, and they buy yatchs and private jets, is greedy.

What's that got to do with the study of economics?

Isn't the entire economic system is heading for catastrophic collapse if they keep on milking everything at exponentially rising rates? More milkage of any and every resource has been done in the past 100 years than in any point in earth history. The world's spinning on artificially inflated money with no real value.
because in the book it explains all these things and gives you a better understanding of why this is the case. it is superb. everyone should read it really, even if you dont agree with it. I dont agree with all of it.
People got paid minimum wage and up, which all of them are happy to sign no the dotted line when they took the job, and are not on the dole, have jobs, paying taxes, NI contributions.

She created a company that did all that, honestly you can't win, you make something and create jobs in the area and the vultures here wants more and more. Perhaps she should just close the whole thing down and take her business elsewhere so another forum in another country can start a thread about her not paying cleaners there £25k in bonuses.
exactly. she has probably made more jobs and paid more taxed in a yaer than anyone who has complained about how much she has earned. She is a massive net contributor to the system.
The fact is she's gotten rich off of the backs of poverty porn, the effects of which will count towards the destruction of this dear old dysfunctional society, while she sips her £2000 French wine and snorts the purest coke.

/ topkek
So you’ve already decided she’s a drug abuser?
People got paid minimum wage and up, which all of them are happy to sign no the dotted line when they took the job, and are not on the dole, have jobs, paying taxes, NI contributions.

She created a company that did all that, honestly you can't win, you make something and create jobs in the area and the vultures here wants more and more. Perhaps she should just close the whole thing down and take her business elsewhere so another forum in another country can start a thread about her not paying cleaners there £25k in bonuses.

I think you are thinking inside the box so you will see it as a good thing. But if you look outside the box, it's really quite a devastating thing.
I think you are thinking inside the box so you will see it as a good thing. But if you look outside the box, it's really quite a devastating thing.

You think she should pack up and move it to the Bahamas eh? It's a internet company, it can be run anywhere...
It's disgusting but that's capitalism and the world that has been created. Successful business in gambling so can do whatever she likes. Nice chunk of tax to pay at least
No one is disputing that she has set up a successful business and made millions and employs loads and hats off to her. Everyone wants that success.

I'm only saying why does someone with billions in the bank need another 265 million.
No one is disputing that she has set up a successful business and made millions and employs loads and hats off to her. Everyone wants that success.

I'm only saying why does someone with billions in the bank need another 265 million.

You do have a point, now she has her billions she should sack all the staff and close up shop
The trouble is nowadays that because people are so protected from everything, they essentially are not 'immunised' at a young age and have not developed an immune system to what is on offer so it affects people greater I think.

Before you'd have gamblers but with the advent of smart phones and the freedom that gives it has become an issue that's been burning in the background. I think people had a stronger mind some years ago about what was right and wrong, but those lines have been blurred.

I know what I'm trying to say but don't think I explained it that well.

I disagree with what I think you were trying to say.

I think that the difference isn't that people in the past were less protected from everything (quite the opposite in many ways) or that they had stronger minds about what is right and wrong (although if you go back further they were more controlled by the Christian churches, that's not really about what is right and wrong). I think the biggest difference is opportunity. You mention that in the middle, but I think it's a far larger factor than you refer to it as being. In the past, gambling required physically going to a place for it and gambling on a larger scale required money and social connections. Nowadays, it doesn't. The opportunity to gamble is almost omnipresent and large scale gambling is easy even with money you don't really even have. I think the next biggest factor is poverty while being constantly shown what you can't afford to buy. There's nothing new about poverty, but exposure to what can be bought and pressure to have it is far greater than in the past. The past wasn't necessarily better (and I would argue that some parts of the past were far worse for people who were poor, e.g. at least from the industrial revolution until at least the early 20th century) but problem gambling is much more of a problem now than in the past.

As for this person, of course it's greed. But that's the point of capitalism. She owns half the company. £265M is about half of the profit the company makes per year, so that matches up.

It's disgusting but that's capitalism and the world that has been created. Successful business in gambling so can do whatever she likes. Nice chunk of tax to pay at least

Why are you assuming she pays much tax? She's probably paying accountants to evade avoid tax for her. That's what they're paid for.
Money doesn't work like that in a capitalist economy. Say someone has 5 billion in the kitty. They cant just give away 1 billion to 1000 normal people.

That money when in the hands of the elite, is not worth real value, it's just artificially inflated.

If you give a rich man's money to regular people then they will start using it to buy essential items, when the artificially inflated money was meant to buy yachts and Ferraris. I mean I cant explain economics well but lets just say if you give 50 billion dollars and start handing it out to starving children in Africa it wont just magically make them rich.
Money doesn't work like that in a capitalist economy. Say someone has 5 billion in the kitty. They cant just give away 1 billion to 1000 normal people.

That money when in the hands of the elite, is not worth real value, it's just artificially inflated.

If you give a rich man's money to regular people then they will start using it to buy essential items, when the artificially inflated money was meant to buy yachts and Ferraris. I mean I cant explain economics well but lets just say if you give 50 billion dollars and start handing it out to starving children in Africa it wont just magically make them rich.

Money doesn't work like that full stop - what you are trying to describe very badly is why (pure) socialism ultimately doesn't work despite some cute notions of putting the means of production into the hands of the workers, etc.
Question re. the gambling stuff - when I invest in a stocks and shares ISA, it is a form of gambling since you are speculating. This is accompanied with a host of warnings and documents to sign up to.

Is it the same with these companies? I've never used them so guess just trying to figure out if people do know what they are getting into when they do it or not. Just want to get informed before forming a view on their morality. People should be able to do what they want, but there should be adequate/reasonable protections in place through regulation as well.
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