Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F | Netflix

Wifey and I tried to watch this a couple of days ago. We tried, we really tried.

After about half an hour, I asked her what’s happening, she didn’t have a clue and neither did I. Fifteen minutes later, I said “this is rubbish”, she agreed and we turned it off.

Utter tripe.
Good old guys chasing bad guys and trying to bust them. He follows through the BH and the story continues. Its not massively different to the original.
Despite my initial reservations I watched this anyway.


Thoroughly enjoyed it, easy 7/10 and probably one of very few recent "cash in sequels" that I'm actually glad they made.
I felt the same about this one. I really wasn't expecting much, given how rubbish most cash ins have been recently, but it massively exceeded my expectations. I also found out my missus has never seen the originals, so now they're on the list to watch having not seen them in years myself.
I really enjoyed it, as a lot have people have said I expected it to be crap but was pleasantly surprised, I would give it 7.5/10 maybe push to an 8.

Loved seeing Serge again
Wifey and I tried to watch this a couple of days ago. We tried, we really tried.

After about half an hour, I asked her what’s happening, she didn’t have a clue and neither did I. Fifteen minutes later, I said “this is rubbish”, she agreed and we turned it off.

Utter tripe.
Really? Were you using your phones at the time or something? The plot is pretty simplistic - the 'bad guy' is obvious from his first on-screen moment.

The highlight for me was the helicopter sequence, which was done for real rather than using CGI.

6/10 overall - It's mainly a nostalgia hit following the beats of the first movie: Destruction in Detroit, something happening causing Axel to go to Beverley Hills, a sequence where he drives in showing the 'crazyness' of L.A. Getting arrested by the LAPD and then getting on the case proper, culminating in a showdown in a Beverley hills mansion.
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