BF Hardline Visceral Games

Here's an interesting point for discussion.

Given people's negativity for a Cops and Robbers themed battlefield game, what would you have them make instead ?
You've been in here / on BF4 thread over the last couple of weeks making demands about how people shouldn't buy future BF games and if they do they lose all rights to complain about them - if you don't want anything to do with the franchise anymore move along, others that feel the same will to - everyone get's to buy what they like and have their opinion about what they bought however. So you insisting they can't do this; saying like here that even if they buy it and like it, they've still made the 'wrong' choice? you're carrying on like a toddler.

You realise that your comments contradict themselves, right? On the one hand you ask me to keep my opinions and comments to myself, yet you say people are entitled to do and think what they wish? You do see the irony with this, right? Right?

My opinions are my own? It's naive to think I am influence others to do what I want on a public forum. But I won't stop expressing how I feel.

If you don't like my posts, don't read them. Or quote them 'til the cows come home. I don't care.

I hope you enjoy BF4 and Hardline and never feel you have been ripped off. I really do.

Best of luck

Facebook friends?

what would you have them make instead ?

A patch that makes BF4 not suck.

I hope you enjoy BF4 and Hardline and never feel you have been ripped off. I really do.

I don't like either BF4 or hardline and after BF4 won't be buying any future DICE products... so assuming I'm defending this game isn't going to get you very far -- I just don't approach such things with the mentality of a child who thinks everyone has to like what I like and can't fathom why people can't so will rant at them about it. Also there is no contradiction; I'm just telling you you're a moron for the former summation, so trying the "but mah freedhom!" spiel defending yourself from ranting like a imbecile at people making different choices from you is just you missing the point again. It's fairly simple; you can post whatever you like - but if you post idiocy, you're going to get called out on it, which is a world away from being silenced if you can wrap your head around that one.
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Here's an interesting point for discussion.

Given people's negativity for a Cops and Robbers themed battlefield game, what would you have them make instead ?

I would like them to go back to world war 2 if I am honest. Bit bored of modern day era stuff. I mean they only did one world war 2 game.

Cops and robbers is an absolutely awful idea.
Here's an interesting point for discussion.

Given people's negativity for a Cops and Robbers themed battlefield game, what would you have them make instead ?

As a Board member of EA, I think this is a brilliant idea. It'll maintain the COD kids that have moved to the BF series and make loads of money.

As a BF lover, it's one of the final nails in the coffin of the BF franchise. This should have been DLC and not a £60 digital deluxe game. There isn't enough 'newness' - clearly not a word

Next will be Battlefield Worms
The game isn't £60. I think everyone by now on here is savvy enough that they can get it cheaper.

DD- £27
Standard - £24

I said I won't be negative about the game and beat a dead horse as to not spoil it for those who are looking forward to hardline but from my experience those who bash on games are the ones who play it the most. Just look at MordorHQ - they whine so much but then when there is an announcement of a trailer they jump on the game like a tramp on chips.

If the current "Battlefield" is no longer a game that appeals to you/me/us then just move on and try and find another game that appeals to you. All the hate (although warranted) can't do you any good. Division looked amazing but then like all Ubi games lately it will be riddled with faults within the first month. The point is there are other games that can occupy your time.

If you're willing to overlook the inevitable faults just so you can play the latest and not so greatest game online with your mates then bite your tongue and join the hype bandwagon.
I don't like either BF4 or hardline and after BF4 won't be buying any future DICE products... so assuming I'm defending this game isn't going to get you very far -- I just don't approach such things with the mentality of a child who thinks everyone has to like what I like and can't fathom why people can't so will rant at them about it. Also there is no contradiction; I'm just telling you you're a moron for the former summation, so trying the "but mah freedhom!" spiel defending yourself from ranting like a imbecile at people making different choices from you is just you missing the point again. It's fairly simple; you can post whatever you like - but if you post idiocy, you're going to get called out on it, which is a world away from being silenced if you can wrap your head around that one.

Sorry I got bored after the first line. Try to use smaller paragraphs. I have a low childish IQ

Here's an interesting point for discussion.

Given people's negativity for a Cops and Robbers themed battlefield game, what would you have them make instead ?

Well a battlefield game... aka war with tanks, jets etc I would love to see BF Vietnam remastered or 1942. There is no need for all these colourful guns, weapons mods etc they need to focus on map design and game play.
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I have pre-ordered two in case one breaks

What have you got to lose when you have the Origin money back guarantee anyway? :D

I can't remember how it works but is it you can claim your money back within 7 days and for games only bought through Origin? If so, just entangle yourself in EA's web of deceit and join in on the moaning when the game comes out. lol
What have you got to lose when you have the Origin money back guarantee anyway? :D

I can't remember how it works but is it you can claim your money back within 7 days and for games only bought through Origin? If so, just entangle yourself in EA's web of deceit and join in on the moaning when the game comes out. lol

If I have to buy it to be credible when moaning, so be it haha

A WW2 Battlefield would be great. Hardline sucks so bad

Offtopic but you need to put
in your sig bro... otherwise it's just a link ;)
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