BF Hardline Visceral Games

Do the 'thieves' have weapons? because if they've got guns and the left mouse buttons required to use those guns then theft is going to be fairly low down their list of charges for their team to named after that offence - this sounds like a bad half life mod. Either way this one is getting a wide birth after BF4, I'll give it a could month or so for various analysis of the netcode delivers a verdict.

sounds like that mod for arma3 but without civilians and just cops vs rebels
I'll probably get sucked in by the trailers for this new BF game again, EA/DICE sure know how to make good trailers that make you want to buy the game that's for sure.

And, to be honest, despite everyone's moaning I have been happy with my purchase of BF4 to date - I've had hours of fun, and the game is great overall in my opinion :)
The most fun I've had in the latest BF games has been close quarters maps in BF3. That expansion was superb and something that BF4 sorely lacks. Ziba tower 64 player was just immense, hit reg was good and required teamwork to win. Why they did utter crap like naval strike in BF4 is anyones guess.
and yet it was the expansion that got the most aggro because everybody said it was battlefield selling its sole to the devil and trying to copy COD.
I'm very much on the "Never touching another Battlefield game again" bandwagon, I'm afraid.

To this day, Battlefield 4 still doesn't work properly for me...
Because it will sell more as being part of the battlefield brand (or less depending on how you look at it :P).

I'll probably get it, as long as they've implemented netcode changes from BF4 CTE to the frostbite engine.

I'm actually enjoying CTE tbh, a hell of a lot more than I did vanilla.
Meh, sounds and looks rubbish doing a law enforcement game. I'll pass and stick with BF4 i think until the next actual battlefield game. Quite a fan of BF4, though i've not had much of any issues that others are supposedly having.

If you buy this game you lose all your rights to complain when it turns out to be a buggy, laggy mess for months after release - like with every Battlefield game.


Keeping things on topic there is some more info on Gaf:

Depends if they rush them like they did Dice. Knowing EA, they will.

Why on earth would they call a police vs criminal game Battlefield? Stupid beyond belief.

Pass, unless they pay me for it or it magically turns out to actually be good (past the hype stage, you know.. that point where they announce another title and its not worth buying the old one)
So this is BF4 in a SWAT uniform, with added measures of no originality and recycled crap from previous incarnations of every COD and BF before it.

This is so the game I've never wanted so I'll be keeping my money thanks.
Won't be preordering or buying on release day as I'm not a great fan of cqb gameplay as I don't have good enough twitch reflex but i'll see what it plays like and may consider getting it.

It's not the battefield franchise that is at fault with bf4, its EA forcing DICE to release BF4 too early to beat COD. That said DICE are not doing themselves any favours by still not getting it correct 8 months + after release.

Bet you will be able to "buy" battlepacks in this game also.
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