BF Hardline Visceral Games

bolt action 50 kills . on each side though you need 50 kills.

r700 is one , AWM is another. then its 100,000 in cash to buy.
Some of the reload Easter Eggs are very cool. I think it will fit in with the witty nature of the campaign driven storyline.


Agreed, Heist I've enjoyed, Hotwire I just don't see the appeal.

Yeah heist is good fun, but hotwire basically turns into driving around in a circle or spawning in to get sniped unless you get into a vehicle. Very stale gameplay mode sadly.
Played it for 30 minutes. I liked it. Surprising.

It seems a more quake-y-fied fps which is what I like.
Heist seems pretty good.

Edit: Dust bowl is crap, just constant hammering by Heli's!

this is what people think because they havent ranked anything up.

i have magnum rounds for sniper 3 shots heli down. :D

helis wont be anything special once people rank up a little.

r700 with magnum rounds = sex :cool:

there is a even better one called the 300 knockout which is basically one shot everything.

now i unlocked a lot of things this could be as good as bfbc2. no bs.
Ive sank nearly 9hrs into this and its pretty good.

Can pick it up for £25.00 so not bad at that price but no more.

Love picking off snipers and seeing them all flee when there a few of us chasing them off the hills.

So many Fairfight bannings already and its still in beta

Seems that the only guns I can get the hang of is the shotgun (which is awful at anything put point blank range) and the scout sniper rifle, which suffers next to no bullet drop (probably needs changing as its far to easy to use atm). The mp5k or whatever it is for the engineer class is bloody awful in my opinion. Put 2 full clips into a guy at around 40 metres range and had to finish him off with 2 shots from the pistol :\

I can't tell if its just poor hit reg or seriously poor bullet damage fall off at medium range.
Can confirm, just fire from the hip. Being able to get health from players by pressing E makes it more viable. Although it is a little frustrating that the prompt still shows despite the fact that they don't have health.
m5pk is a beast :confused:

there is no recoil on it :D

lol if you watch youll see how good it is. dont aim up ;)

I've never tried to hip shot it, guess thats where I'm going wrong lol. He also uses a slightly shorter burst than me at medium range as well so I guess I was doing that wrong as well. I'll have to try again.
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