BF Hardline Visceral Games

a mod thousands worked on for years :p atleast give them some credit but i doubt you will.

basically they dropped Medal of Honor as it was dead. this is a newer idea to do something to fill its absence . its a good fun game.

if you don't like it fair enough but just saying its a mod is quite funny.

Read one comment... DG...Fan boy number 1

See ya.
I think that's an over statement. For me the real issue is hotwire. It has the potential to be the best mode but its ruined by trolls. They should remove the RPG and make breaching chargers more visible or or not deployable on the road.
Ttk is to quick, spawns are fkd up, and I'm definitely used to the slower pace of bf4. At the moment, to me it feels like its on speed, everything happens so fast, taking me longer than I thought to adjust. In saying that though, I'm enjoying it.
I think that's an over statement. For me the real issue is hotwire. It has the potential to be the best mode but its ruined by trolls. They should remove the RPG and make breaching chargers more visible or or not deployable on the road.

Not for me, it really is insta deaths. A bit like the video levelcap did on the 1 frame kill for bf 4, you literally are dead in 1 frame, zero time to react.

Maybe it is just my connection magnifying the issue though but I have seen quite a few saying the same on BL forums :/

Also I had read that apparently they made a mistake with the damage for some weapons i.e. the m416 etc. according to guys at symthic.

You die/kill far quicker than in any hardcore mode for previous bf games, at least from my experience.
Im liking it so far! :) Highlights from my first two days of playing if anyones interested:

Still waiting for this to come down in price.

Are you just really good at controlling aim or do the guns have very little recoil?

More interested in how the single player is than multiplayer at this stage!
Could be your connection Nexus as I've not noticed at as much. The only time I found it bad is with snipers. They can be quite annoying!
I enjoyed it last night,

razzing around in cars and getting money is fun, shame that on bloke seemed to have an RPG in his hand constantly, seems a little OP. The TTK is fast but not game broken.

I said Nexus would complain and make excuses not to play.

Not stronk enough for infy Nexus, go back to your tank ;)
Would be awesome if they removed the RPG in hotwire and swapped the beaching change for something more in line with what cops would normally have in a car chase. As it stands the cars are too weak and are basically high speed coffins.

I have to admit that it was very funny how badly we screwed up se of our runs Hazard. A couple of times everything lined up and we were in the hunt only to get rofl trolled by someone with a breaching charge :D

It's not great though that we keep reverting back to conquest - a mode that is more suited to BF4.
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I think that's an over statement. For me the real issue is hotwire. It has the potential to be the best mode but its ruined by trolls. They should remove the RPG and make breaching chargers more visible or or not deployable on the road.

I agree, as much as I love my RPG in the trunk, its too op, and the BC noobs that just camp on bridges etc are so annoying!
I wonder if they should have some non-lethal vehicle immobilization mechanisms, such as stingers (Not the rockets!) and maybe an EMP device.
I said Nexus would complain and make excuses not to play.

Not stronk enough for infy Nexus, go back to your tank ;)

typical weak vehicle whores :D


Come 1vs1 me in bc 2, bf 3 and bf 4! :D :p

I found the alpha damage system for hardline to be absolutely spot on, had just enough time to react.

Could be your connection Nexus as I've not noticed at as much. The only time I found it bad is with snipers. They can be quite annoying!

I am starting to think maybe this bug is present in HL:

I might try to do some recording myself later and try to analyse it the same way as lvl in terms of the slowing it down and doing the 1 frame thing.

Any suggestions for good recording software? gpu is 290

I played only hardcore for bc 2 and bf 3 (first half of my gameplay till they messed the suppression up even more....) and it was nowhere as bad as HL normal mode.

Another issue that was evident last night, at least for blood money on some of the maps was the roof camping, makes siege and flood zone seem like good maps in comparison!

edit: and yes snipers are ****ing annoying!

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I agree, as much as I love my RPG in the trunk, its too op, and the BC noobs that just camp on bridges etc are so annoying!

Indeed - what I want to do is get in a car and chase other cars with a few of my homies hanging out the side with heavy weapons - is that too much to ask!!?? :D

@Nexus, as said I'm not getting the bug as much. Is it possible that you are perceiving this bug because of your lower frame rate? I'm assuming the impact of higher TTK with 60fps is greater than with 144+???

They just need to make changes to the damage model IMO, rewarding headshots with the current multiplier and nerfing the body and limb damage. They also need to get rid of the body armor perks which make the defensive upgrade in BF4 look pretty tame IMO.

I also think the K10 needs a huge nerf. It actually reminds me of the As Val but is better at range and has a much better TTK.
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