BF Hardline Visceral Games

It definitely brings some new and interesting elements to the BF franchise, but it's an unbalanced mess at the moment, and I'm not sure if it will ever be otherwise. Time will tell on that one.

Given the price, they better have some pretty hefty updates and DLC coming.

It's fun but frustrating. I think some of the frustration comes from a team having a massive advantage if the Hacker is doing their job properly which can take BF4s 3d spotting and make it seam more like wallhacking. That and people not having a clue what to do.

Sneaky day off today, gonna grind me some unlocks I think.

You may want to get some padding for that bucket mate. Glad you got back from your holiday quickly though , I guess kiwi is still stuck in NZ or something.
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Its can be good fun, but some rounds are just an exercise in futility and frustration. I've spent entire rounds spawning and being immediately shot or clubbed to death in the back.

Pretty much how I find it atm but its far from perfect , playing hotwire mostly :o
On a different note I heard that the game it self is based on an old build of bf4 before the massive improved netcode tweaks which kinda explains the trade kills and various other network related glitches
Really trying to enjoy this game but it just feels like a train wreck.

We all know what the issues are, but one of the biggest for me is the fact the mech can only have basic SMG's. It completely nerfs the class because you are pretty much useless in a firefight vs players with assault rifles. Repping is pretty defunkt as well it seems. I also hate that anti air and RPG's are pick ups only and you can't put them in a loadout.

Kind of makes the mech class pointless, imo, and I really can't see any reason to play it.

Silly TTK, silly loadout limitations, silly spawns, silly driving mechanics, inconsistent spotting/map info - it all adds up to make this game feel tedious to play (for me anyway).

The reason why I think people are being so hard on this game is because it is built on the BF4 platform and by rights should be pretty well turned out to start with. After knowing all that was wrong with BF4, this game should not be afflicted with the issues it is, in my opinion. I just cannot fathom why Visceral thought the current TTK, weapon/loadout balance and spawn system were good ideas. :confused:

I also seem to be getting weird/inconsistent hit reg, and another thing I found out today is that I can't hit anything with a sniper rifle unless it's 10 yards away and completely static! But I don't think I can blame that on the game though lol :D
mech class has some of best guns in it :p

infact the best overall guns are in mech.:D

spawns have been similar since bf3 and launch of the game they will be tweaked shortly.

what you do is you put it to how you think then launch they adjust shortly after. how can you see what is op or not and what is wrong without mass player numbers. thats why patches are often shortly after release.

reg is amazing . must be your net. with snipers its more like bfbc2 with aiming. if you want to no scope a easy way is aim roughly in area then on second shot as your crosshairs are big pull over player you fired at and just as closing shot on player 9/10 ten youll hit . nce you get used to doing this you can shoot really quick and accuratley. just takes a bit of getting use to and feeling the shot.
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Really can't bring myself to enjoy this game.

Constantly getting one-banged across map by sub-machine guns and the like. Everyone seems to have pinpoint accuracy when they're 500ft away.

Also don't like having to cross half the map for an AA launcher or RGP.
GG's tonight - 20 round win streak.

Shame about the cry babys though - they seem to have migrated over from BF4

cracking games tonight, best night so far on HL

Stand out game tonight :p:p:D:D


Was your monitor even on brah ;)
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nah let them rage and cry :D :p

pffffffffffft! :o

That was my worst game ever, at one point it was 0-10, literally spawn die spawn die, insta kills non-stop from roof scrubs! :mad: You would have thought that after about the 10th game the enemy team might have thought that roof camping wasn't helping but nope they still did it...

Pulled it back to a postive k/d in the end though with 19-15.

Anyway, bought pretty much everything I need/want now!
could get one of these :D finally got the knockout . pulled a well funny shot on itwasntfairfight on roof whoever that was :p

was good fun.

nah let them rage and cry :D :p

pffffffffffft! :o

That was my worst game ever, at one point it was 0-10, literally spawn die spawn die, insta kills non-stop from roof scrubs! :mad: You would have thought that after about the 10th game the enemy team might have thought that roof camping wasn't helping but nope they still did it...

Pulled it back to a postive k/d in the end though with 19-15.

Anyway, bought pretty much everything I need/want now!

0-10......damn, why didn't I screenie that :D
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