BF Hardline Visceral Games

Just got this today and I thought I would try hot wire. I was enjoying it but then realised ppl were ignoring the point of the game and just camping the hotwire cars with rocket launchers.
Repaired the install and its still doing it why wont it move on from map loading screen grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr goes in your main HL Directory. Mine is here C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\BFH

All ive got in mine is

PerfOverlay.DrawFps 1
GameTime.MaxVariableFps 144
Are they joking with the price of this?

They want 120 Euro for the game with premium... double the price of BF4 & BF3 premium.

For what is essentially only an expansion pack for BF4? Which itself is an expansion pack for BF3... wtf?!
Anyone tried TDM on Hardline yet? Its awful at the moment! Grrr :(

- Poor map design
- Bad spawn positions
- Tons of camping spots
- No spawn protection

I played a bit earlier. I only played one match before I got annoyed, and you could spawn in some multi story building where you couldn't shoot anyone as it was too far away!
The spawn points were soo far away too! I didn't see many camping spots


What's the easiest way to move Hardline onto my SSD? Origin decided to put it onto my 1TB HDD instead :S
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The beta was why I haven't purchased hardline... it was ****

That was before they even bothered to announce that the full game would have been twice the price of BF4 & BF3 ;)

This popped up earlier and it makes sense to lock it down the way he was swapping out gpus that's not normal usage.

If he had swapped 5 GPUs over a year and it locked out there's an issue if he's swapping 5 in an hour or so then it implies there could be somthing else going on ie multiple computers running the same instance. Maybe even piracy. A home user wouldn't be hit by that.
another enjoyable day playing, really getting to grips with it now. Starting to get some nice unlocks for the vehicles as well...and guys, buy the M3M gun and the Gunner Ammo Belt for the Transport Choppers :) so much more accurate than that HMG POS, can take down a vehicle with one burst if not two now.
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