BF2: =50K= vs [OcUK] Game III

Good game.

Can I have a hand in map selection please FosterK? If we tailor it to what the active members of OcUK are good at then you will get a better game, as soon as you introduce jets to the fight we just can not compete. :)

Karkand was good before the crash, then most of OcUK dissapeared and as we were outnumbered + out planned we did not stand a chance!

Karkand has to be played next time, it is a great leveller for us when we have full house.
Smaller maps, just elimate the vehicle spam.

I am talking to 50k bods about the next game, will make it better dont you worry. :)

Will have a closed list policy, show up for a training game and your in, dont and you dont play in the final game.

Should eliminate the dropouts, but will be after the next stable release of BF2. :)
I'm sorry I wasnt there but my internet woudlnt do anything.. couldnt even connect to TS or bf2 account all ntl said that they didnt know whats wrong its so slow :\
well i tried to get a jet on wetlands as im not to bad in them, only managed to get a jet once but i took a enemy jet down with me. a few had tried to get some organisation going for weeks before this but harldy anyone botherd to make an effort, If its going to be the same next time count me out.

Oh another thing i wanted to ask is, i noticed that 50k had admins in and someone on Teamspeak said he thought admins could see all people on both sides, is that right?
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Rebel=UK= said:
Oh another thing i wanted to ask is, i noticed that 50k had admins in and someone on Teamspeak said he thought admins could see all people on both sides, is that right?

Only if he/she's not playing and they're just observing, if you're in game then it's the same as for everyone else.
Rebel=UK= said:
Oh another thing i wanted to ask is, i noticed that 50k had admins in and someone on Teamspeak said he thought admins could see all people on both sides, is that right?

What do you mean by 'see all people'?

If you mean see the ingame chat, then yes, but none of us would use that information to our advantage, i can vouch for that personally. Plus we would have to Alt Tab out of the game to read it in the admin panel.

Beyond that, no we cant physically 'see' anyone, unless of course they are visible in normal game play.

We dont have Free cam enabled on our servers. And there is no way to physically watch the game play without actually being in the game.
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Rebel=UK= said:
ah ok fair enough,........ how easy it it to switch to observe mode tho ;) :p

See above, there is no 'observe' mode. Only Free cam in game (CS style), but like i said, we dont have that enabled on our servers (very few servers do) and you still have to be ingame to use it.
Good game thanks to the guys that stuck around after the server crash. Just a shame the rest of your side decided not to turn up/re-connect...could have been an OcUK victory ;)

Look forward to the next one.
I tried to take some screen shots of the action to host up but none of them seem to be in my screenshots folder. The only one in my cache is an embarrasingly egotistical scores page :p
Tesco said:
Good game thanks to the guys that stuck around after the server crash. Just a shame the rest of your side decided not to turn up/re-connect...could have been an OcUK victory ;)

Look forward to the next one.

Yeh right, I stayed on for ages after the crash, the team work on the OcUK side was absolutely abismol, tanks and APC's spread out everywhere whereas the 50K guys had them all going round in a group capping each and every flag.

Our team was a mess.
It was quit funny TBH. We seemed to be doing well until the server crashed after we took the Suburbs on Karkand. I seem to remember our tank near the Hotel for some reason then when I was driving the tank and wanted the APCs to stick with me they all just went ahead. :(
I was out of action all day yesterday due to a migraine - if I was ok I would have tried to make up the OcUK numbers a bit :(

Good idea about the practice match to make it to the final team list, maybe we could try 16 player maps next time for a few rounds and maybe go up to 32/64 if more people turn up?
hehehehe no set plans, no in game command... didn't think we did too badly for a bunch of public players :)

practice and planning would definately be needed for the next one though
yeah me and rebel where talking about that we need a screening session to make sure we get people who will turn up for the match. But who has the balls to pick the final team and tell others there not good enough, because you know that poeple dont turn up for the match but everyone would turn up for the practise sods law
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