Bicycle 0 - Me 1

I hope you're not referring to me as a moronic car driver. Even though I'm bitching about them I don't pass them until it's safe to do so and I wouldn't want to risk injuring anyone.

You can shove your condescending attitude as well.

Nope, but I may well call you stupid if you think that I was accusing you of being a 'moronic car driver'. However, if the cap fits....

The perceived attitude is a direct response to your previous rant about 'cyclists in general', so straight back at you.
I'm not sure that in the eyes of the law its entirely one sided. Having acknowledged the hazard the pedestrian did not take any action to avoid it, thus having blame in the collision.

Obviously the guy on the bike is a fool and I'm morally on your side, but its not totally black and white.

Glad you are ok!
Two people who intentionally run into each other, and who could have potentially seriously injured even killed the other, should be charged with assault or something. Its bullying and road rage IMO. Both are equally to blame.
Even though I'm bitching about them I don't pass them until it's safe to do so and I wouldn't want to risk injuring anyone.

I am really glad to read that, you initial posts did read "like" you did not care and was careless about others on the road. ;)
Genious post - As a regular cyclist I have absolutely no sympathy for the **** that hit you. Yeah I don't like to stop - and if I can get away with it I will go through lights, but I accept that if I do it is my fault if something goes wrong!

Have some stars sir for sticking up for what is right.
Genious post - As a regular cyclist I have absolutely no sympathy for the **** that hit you. Yeah I don't like to stop - and if I can get away with it I will go through lights, but I accept that if I do it is my fault if something goes wrong!

Have some stars sir for sticking up for what is right.

Please dont go through red-lights... Even if you are willing to take the consequences. Someone else might not, they dont want to experience splatting a cyclist under their car!

I cycle too, and I ALWAYS stop at lights. It drives me mad when other cyclists (sadly there are a fair few) whizz past me whilst I wait pariently. I often cycled them down (which probably means they are not fit, and therefore not regular cyclists) and mention on my way past that "red lights are not optional!"
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quite possibly because of his pre-meditated intentions knowing/hoping the cyclist wouldnt stop

i`m not defending the cyclist but in the eyes of the law FF could be in the wrong

anyways maybe the cyclist will think twice from now on when approaching a red light, allthough I doubt it

I'm sure the cyclist would have thought twice about running the red light if it had been an intersection where a car or lorry could have hit him;)

So, because FF decided to wait for the lights to change to red, to give him the right of way and NOT the cyclist, you may think he could be at fault!:confused:

The road laws apply to everyone, whether it be me crossing the road as a pedestrian, someone in a vehicle or someone in an invalid carriage.
You were going slower than he was and he obviously thought the rules of the road didn't apply at the lights.

Pedestrians are the lowest in the food chain when it comes to roads.
I'm sure the cyclist would have thought twice about running the red light if it had been an intersection where a car or lorry could have hit him

The amount of times I've seen cyclists go flying out in my town without looking at red lights. Even worse when it's practically a blind junction. If any of you do it I hope you don't expect me to stop my car and offer assistance.
I visited a friend in Frankfurt a couple of years ago. Over there bikes are much more common and used by all sections of society. There are lots of cycle paths but cylists were also riding on the roads and along/across pavements and through 'pedestrianised' areas. The cyclists were not bombing along knocking people down all over the place, the car drivers weren't aggressive or driving like morons and the pedestrians seemed able to walk around with a bit of awareness and not leaping into the path of cyclists. Unfortunately Britain is too uncivilised and intolerant to operate in the same way. Here, being an aggressive, selfish **** seems to be increasingly seen as a virtue. Just look at the sort of replies (from both sides) any thread like this always produces.

As someone who cycled in London for several years the cyclist was obviously in the wrong in the op. I used to see quite a few cyclists of that mentality. Cycling in London does, however, produce a certain militancy as a reaction to idiot, aggressive drivers almost killing you several times every trip you make.
I can't believe the people in here arguing its the fault of both, or in some way the fault of FF. Wake up, its a red light, that means STOP, there is no question about it, the cyclist was 100% at fault here. Wouldn't matter if FF were to intentionally stop directly in his path, he's perfectly within his rights to do that.
If it were a car that had run a red light and hit a pedestrian, i'm sure the story would not be the same.
Well it's an unfortunate tale really, and I'm sure it's happened to others here, however it was the reaction of the cyclist that alarmed me the most.

Quick overview of the situation:

I'm merrily crossing the road as it's green for pedestrians, a couple of motorbikes pull up to a nice gentle stop, I notice the cyclist, but carry on walking only to find that he's not slowing down and being a stubborn git I decided not to speed up or slow down - needless to say he ran into me.

I know I know, you're worried whether or not I was ok, yes, I'm fine, a little bruise on my arm and probably one on my leg but I can't tell if that's DOMS or just a bruise!

He, however, had a few scrapes and a it of a bloodied t-shirt - poor soul :(

At this point after brushing myself down, I walk over to him quizzically looking at him (and offering a hand, I am a gentleman after all) to which I got nothing but neanderthalic snarls. He starts barking and screaming at me asking me what the **** I thought I was doing?!

Being a man of acute wit I replied rather generally, "crossing the road"... this seemed to rile him further, oh dear. He said that he saw me "clock" him and that i could have moved out of the way?! Is that so? I ask him, well I reminded him that I was crossing the road and that the lights were red for him - to which he protested about me being a smart sarcy ****. Charming!

Anyway after a torrent of abuse he got himself up and carried on... a crowd did form and to his irritation were enquiring as to my health and wondering what the hell that cyclist was doing etc... Which was nice, I felt for the moment genuinely loved - it's a rare but nice feeling.

What I couldn't fathom was why he decided to be so vitriolic towards me? He made a mistake and bounced off me - why should I be the one to blame? Surely everything was in my favour no? Okay, I admit I should have maybe increased my pace a little to let him pass, but i felt defiant and wanted to go at a pace I felt comfortable with.

He wanted to call the police and get me done for assault amongst other charges...

Don't get me wrong I have a lot of respect for people on 2 wheels, I ride a motorbike myself, however if I made a mistake I'd put my hands up and scream mea culpa as loud as I could in an post-coital and dramatic manner.

It's the seething anger that he had towards me that surprised me, were it not for the fact that I'm a gent I fear I may have had a slight bout of fisticuffs with him.

Moral of the story? None really, just wanted to share my experience of today, but also serve as a reminder to cyclists, if you're going to run a red light, don't expect pedestrians to dodge you and accept the repercussions of your actions.

Cyclists are scum with no regard for other road users /thread :D
Is this so you can arrive at your destination 10 seconds quicker?? :rolleyes:

I ride my bike in line with the nearside tracks made by other vehicles, meaning that I can avoid the slippery/broken drain covers, potholes and the general crap of grit and broken glass swept into the kerbside by the other vehicles, it also helps me arrive at my destination safely.

When out with the club we ride in pairs, side by side, this is not illegal and means we can be seen more easily by other road users, however when we are on narrow roads/lanes and a car comes up behind, we single out.... no problem.

Just remember that Cyclists are people with families too, we are not just targets for other road users, so take a second to think about that before you barge past a cyclist or a group with your 2 tons of steel on wheels!

However I do agree that there are some ********* who ride bikes, but that is the same in cars, lorries, buses etc......

As for the OP, The cyclist was well in the wrong, at a red light he should have stopped as the law states, but you could have easily been killed or killed the cyclist..... would it have been worth it for your family to prove a point?

For information I am a club cyclist, I have 3rd party insurance through British Cycling, Gold Membership, (it is part of our club rules to hold insurance), I also pay road tax on 2 vehicles both with full comp insurance.

Also my bike produce zero emissions and costs me absolutely nothing in petrol!!! :D and it is great fun to ride in the summer in the hills and lanes of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire!!! ;)

Well said! :)
For Freefallers OP, the cyclist was obviously a bit of a div, but personally i wouldnt have fancied getting whacked off a dude on a bike, or provoking him.

But well done anyway! :)
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