Biden and the UK

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I bet half the forum salivated a the thought of this thread :cry: clearly many of the posters above did...
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Bidens actual policy seem far worse than Trump's. Paying people to not go back to work, ridiculous spending packages leading to inflation and pushing the agenda of white supremacy and institutional racism. Not sure what else he is actually looking to achieve?

He is the biggest puppet of a president ever. Think he will struggle to see out 1 term, no mind about 2.
Well at least he isn’t Russia’s puppet eh rubberducky;)
He is certainly much more likable and professional than Trump.

There isnt a whole lot of news about Biden, but no news is good news.

I dont know why people in the US think Biden is left wing or liberal though. Compared to most European politics he is right leaning, both of the big US parties are. They dont look a whole lot different from the outside. Nothing big is going to change with either in power.
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I am curious, how is President Biden portrayed and thought about in the UK? I find it comical when I read the BBC; like he's the second coming of Christ and walks on water. They also NEVER mention his constant buffooneries.

In the US, I'm an Independent who leans Conservative. Although I am not a huge fan of Donald Trump. But to a large portion of the US; Biden is a joke and an embarrassment. It's just astonishing the difference in media coverage between the two Presidents.


American thinks Biden is a joke... AFTER TRUMP??? Surely he's like a Messiah??
I think media across the world are generally kinder to foreign politicians, this may be purely by not reporting on their mistakes. Guess Trump was an exception but there wasn't really much good to say about him :)
Most people in the UK couldn't really give a toss about politics in the US. The media on the other hand loves US politics particularly when Trump was in power, and for some strange reason covered US matter more than that European politics which is more relavent

American thinks Biden is a joke... AFTER TRUMP??? Surely he's like a Messiah??

Still some half dead white dude. About time they elected someone under 40 or a woman. For all the big tech and innovation that country is decades behind others in many areas.
Most people in the UK couldn't really give a toss about politics in the US. The media on the other hand loves US politics particularly when Trump was in power, and for some strange reason covered US matter more than that European politics which is more relavent

Actually US politics is far more interesting than UK ones to me, primarily because of how much the main parties are polar opposites.

Here the Conservatives are just Labour 2.0 and such.
General UK population are not that interested in US presidents on the whole, Trump was the exception due to him being a clown/sideshow plus lowering the bar through the floor with his constant lies and corruption.
OP is probably a fox news watcher

Just wondering what gaffs Biden has done over the past 6 months? Can't be any worse then Trump or G wer Bush
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