Just something that doesn't sit well with me. If Biden had replaced someone else most of the people defending him would be posting a very story. But because there might be the slightest chance somehow maybe it would make Trump less bad they praise Biden like he is some kind of saint.
They threw part of that out of the window when they started allowing "halal" meat.
Just something that doesn't sit well with me. If Biden had replaced someone else most of the people defending him would be posting a very story. But because there might be the slightest chance somehow maybe it would make Trump less bad they praise Biden like he is some kind of saint.
Its a comparison. I don't think Biden is a bad person, Trump is a narcissist and sociopath. I think Biden tries do do the right thing even though he did questionable things viewed through todays lens. Trump wouldn't know the right thing if it was explained with bullet points and diagrams, even then he would likely do the opposite anyway.
I've no issue with people calling out Biden's politics, I don't agree with a lot of his politics. Accusing him of being a kiddy fiddler though is ridiculous. Especially as some of those saying such things support a man who on multiple occasions would walk through a room full of teenage girls as young as 15, in various states of undress because he owned the pageant. Please take your faux outrage elsewhere.
Accusing him of being a kiddy fiddler though is ridiculous. Especially as some of those saying such things support a man who on multiple occasions would walk through a room full of teenage girls as young as 15, in various states of undress because he owned the pageant. Please take your faux outrage elsewhere.
I don't think Trump is a bad person at all and I couldn't find a single fault during his presidency.
He is personally a loon, but as a president he did nothing but good.
Then quite frankly you are insane. His list of indiscretions is quite literally endless.
Not meat we don't. Also animal welfare standards in the US stink. We shouldn't allow any meat products in unless they meet standard our farmers and meat industry follow. Sadly our Gov threw those rules out of the window.
They threw part of that out of the window when they started allowing "halal" meat.
Name them?
On what do you base this assessment?The Russians seem happy enough with Biden . . .
The Russians seem happy enough with Biden which says a lot on how they expect Biden to deal with them. This always my concern with him, the Obama/Biden administration was weak enough when responding to Russian aggression but from his actions so far Biden/Harris is even weaker.
Why bother, you are blinkered in the extreme. It's all been well publicised over the past few years. Brainwashed extremists like yourself need professional help.
Inb4 wah wah you can't list them they don't exist.
The Russians seem happy enough with Biden which says a lot on how they expect Biden to deal with them. This always my concern with him, the Obama/Biden administration was weak enough when responding to Russian aggression but from his actions so far Biden/Harris is even weaker.
No actually, its your opinion that things he did are bad, which other people don't have to agree with. Examples would simply help to identify if its a personal issue of something you simply don't like, or anything actually valid.
Or its most likely simply a fantasy you have.
You got nothing, another Qanon loon like MMJ.![]()