Big Bike Thread

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Pics from Sunday - keeping myself entertained while I impatiently wait for my Morzine trip to start :p








Looking good in those photos superc :)

My Roval Traversee wheels arrived today and they are awesome. The rear wheel is very light and the front is designed with 8 spokes on the non-brake side and 16 on the brake side for extra stiffness.

Rear = 830g
Front = 765g

Total bike weight now 27.2lbs

A few pics



Bennah - Photographer I met at a race a few months back.

Have loads more all in raw 1500 of them - too many to go through!

cheers SDK... and OMG that's light. How does the suspension feel with the bike that light?
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No idea yet - I'm still recovering from a broken collar bone; 8 weeks gone and hopefully just a couple more before I can ride properly again.
Looking good in those photos superc :)

My Roval Traversee wheels arrived today and they are awesome. The rear wheel is very light and the front is designed with 8 spokes on the non-brake side and 16 on the brake side for extra stiffness.

Rear = 830g
Front = 765g

Total bike weight now 27.2lbs

A few pics[mg]



wow.. that's light :O the wheels on my BMX 20" are like 1400g each.. front is obviously lighter.. nice bike you got there..
Had first puncture ever on my road bike this afternoon on the way home - luckily I had my tools on me though and got it sorted.

Tyre was a right pain to get off though, pretty difficult. And my pump could only get it to around 80 PSI , still good enough to get home :)
Never realised you where oop north! where abouts did go in the moors? have you been up to sutton bank or horcome hole?

from just outside of hull, we started from a place called Church houses and rode to Chop Gate. we organize the rides on bike radar forum just look for us in the ride section in 'hull and surrounding areas' thread.
is that an KS I900 seat post what is it like I am really considering getting one. Ive said it before I'll say it again you cant beat a silver trek :)
where's a good place to find a second hand bike online? i love mine but it only cost me 50quid second had so i reckon i could possibly see some improvement if i spent a little more ;)
from just outside of hull, we started from a place called Church houses and rode to Chop Gate. we organize the rides on bike radar forum just look for us in the ride section in 'hull and surrounding areas' thread.

Coolio I will have a scarabonga over there later on, do you guys have any rides planned for this sunday?
nothing planned as yet but the guy who does the driving took a hit just missing his crown jewels and is quite badly bruised from all accounts.
Here's mine when I was up the chase the other week;

Bought the frame and built it about six weeks ago. I'm loving it so far apart from the back wheel. I got it custom built from crc but the spokes came loose and it buckled. :mad:

They've sorted now tho! Woo!
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