Big Bike Thread

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weescott said:
Thinking about it, none of the guys I ride with have carbon frames. I guess it's just not trustworthy enough a material. I remember storys of carbon fibre frames being broken, filled up with pollyfiller and sold on. :eek:

Cold hard steel rules ;)

Carbon splinters into razor sharp like barbs. Nasty.
weescott said:
Thinking about it, none of the guys I ride with have carbon frames. I guess it's just not trustworthy enough a material. I remember storys of carbon fibre frames being broken, filled up with pollyfiller and sold on. :eek:

Cold hard steel rules ;)

Don't think that's the case with carbon anymore. Take a look at the Scott Ransom. It was built wit carbon because they could achieve a stronger frame at a given weight than they could with steel or aluminum. I think about 3-4 years ago there were issues, but this is more to do with the technology and design maturing as the designers figured out how to use it properly.

Personally I would never buy a carbon frame second hand. You don't know how it's been abused and cracks are harder to spot than on alu frames.
I agree to an extent, CF is creeping in more and more but it still isn't trusted despite it's claims. Nowadays you see CF DH risers. :eek: It will take a while to displace the stigma of carbon fibre. I remember my 113g CF bars that bent when I braked :eek: I might buy some CF Reservoir caps. But that's about all.
Got a problem with my shifting on the rear cassette. Its becoming increasingly difficult to shift up. I've tried removing the cable and readjusting tensions etc, but it still wont have it.

Every time I shift, I have to shift my Deore lever up a click, and then a little bit more to get it to move. Some gears wont shift full stop, I have to shift up 2-3 gears to get the bugger to move.

Its a fairly new XT rear mech. Do you think I need a new one? Could it be the shifters? I've noticed a fair bit of play in the Deore shifters before they 'click' up a gear. Those new XTR shifters look nice.


Are you able to strip and rebuild your shifter? As far as I remember the XT ones were easy enough to do. Sounds like the shifter pod is the problem to me.
SpeedFreak said:
Are you able to strip and rebuild your shifter? As far as I remember the XT ones were easy enough to do. Sounds like the shifter pod is the problem to me.
Deore pods aren't exactly the best built pods around, I had some in 2004 and had put a crack in one of the levers within about a week of owning them.
Best time for a single speed, no drivetrain to get wrecked by mud and grit :D

Had my maiden voyage on it this afternoon, met up with a few of the club, unfortunately I had a nasty off on a seriously steep rooty section, took the line I usually take (during summer months) but ended up over the bars due to fallen tree-frontwheel interface :p , bike and me flipped through the air, got 3 cracked ribs and a shot knee for my error, glad I had a helmet on as my head smacked the ground pretty badly aswell.
Got a 10/10 for style from the riding buddies :(

Least the bike survived with only minor scratches though.
hey wiiija, sorry about your off, sounds nasty too. I havent ridden all year due to work commitments, aside from that im intrigued by the idea of a single speed, what ratios you running? ;)
Cheers guys, it was my worst off ever!
Mr Mag00, I run 2:1 using 34t chainring and a 17t rear cog, its about perfect in my opinion, you just have to keep momentum going when you approach a sharp hill or your buggered.

Phnom_Penh, the whole build was a fair bargain imo, I bought the F600 06 frame with headshok DLR and stem brand new from a guy who never got around to building it up for around £350, all other parts were mainly ebay USA bargains,brakes, 07 juicy sevens, brand new for £150 all in, cranks £60 quid, then I got stainless surly ring and chrisking cog and spacers from ebay usa also.
I've bought so much from the US lately, I cant believe how much cheaper it works out, the thomson post was under £40 delivered aswell.
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