Big Bike Thread

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My '06 GF Paragon 29er a couple of weekends ago at Diabloween, final biking day of the year at the Diablo Freeride Park which is at Mountain Creek Ski resport, NJ. Lots of people riding in fancy dress, with the best costume of the day being this guy in a Moose constume:


He did that drop 3 times and couldn't actually see where he was riding \o/
SDK^ said:
Those are way out of my price range.

These seem to be decent : Specialized Sport Mountain Shoes


I have these shoses they are fantastic and worth buying.

Very compfetable keep the feet and a very good position to keep the your nees in a strait position to with specialised Body Geometry.

Highly recomended. ;)
weescott said:
And you all thought I was full of it when i said i cycled in shorts at -9c

Not me, shorts are the only way to go, regardless of rain or snow or cold. Currently cycling to work on a Scott Boulder (will post pics tomorrow) which has seen quite a few upgrades since I bought it in 2000.

Fully expecting to be hospitalised quite soon, now that the dark winter evenings are here. A 40 watt front lamp and a bright led rear light are no match for idiot drivers on an unlit coastal road with a 60mph limit. :eek:
squiffy said:
Squiffy's Giant instrument of riding

That's better! Like the colours. Hardest problem I had was finding a frame that had a decent colour scheme. So I went for black. Personally not into drop bars at the moment - the Langster I've gone for as already had flatbars put on.
eddiemcgarrigle said:
Not me, shorts are the only way to go, regardless of rain or snow or cold. Currently cycling to work on a Scott Boulder (will post pics tomorrow) which has seen quite a few upgrades since I bought it in 2000.
I'm the opposite, I always wear trousers (usually jeans or thicker (can't remember the name)), as I know I'm going to end up putting a lot of holes in my legs if I wear shorts (I still get plenty with trousers on :p).
I always ride in jeans + tshirt. Ive did the whole shorts thing and its ok but im usually wearing jeans. Yesterday i rode the bike home from work with my college gear on and got absolutely soaking,twas fun(bunnyhopping from pavement to massive puddle :D ).
Phnom_Penh said:
I'm the opposite, I always wear trousers (usually jeans or thicker (can't remember the name)), as I know I'm going to end up putting a lot of holes in my legs if I wear shorts (I still get plenty with trousers on :p).

So buy some body armour then! :rolleyes: :p

I was going to get some body armour for going up to the new trail at Golspie next week but the trail was wrecked by storms a few weeks ago. Shame as its meant to be a good trail. Very natural.
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh :p.

I have armour, but I don't wear it when I don't need it ;). If I was using something like V12s all the time I'd *need* shin guards, but using m647 clipless removes the real need. For proper DH I'll wear armour (full if it's black rated).
NutritioN said:
That's better! Like the colours. Hardest problem I had was finding a frame that had a decent colour scheme. So I went for black. Personally not into drop bars at the moment - the Langster I've gone for as already had flatbars put on.

You get used to drops, and in fact they're better as you can change position if your hands get tired and change if you want lower riding position. Can ride on the flats, on the curve, on the hoods, and on the drops.

Brother bought a racer with drops when I was about 15, just got on it and rode off.
eddiemcgarrigle said:
Not me, shorts are the only way to go, regardless of rain or snow or cold. Currently cycling to work on a Scott Boulder (will post pics tomorrow) which has seen quite a few upgrades since I bought it in 2000.

Shorts in the middle of winter up in The Peaks? No thanks, express ticket to A&E with hyperthermia if you have a mechnical! The winter trousers and bib-longs will be getting dusted off soon I think.
:mad: Stolen bike pic:


- Fox Racing TALAS RLC (’06) front suspension forks
- Mavic CrossMax Enduro Disc front wheel (black rim / spokes / hub)
- Avid Juicy Carbon ’07 front disc brake (c/w carbon fibre brake lever)
- Answer Taper XC carbon fibre handle bars
- RaceFace Atlas All Mountain chainset (black cranks, silver rings)
- Shimano XT front and rear mechs
- Thomson Elite stem and layback seatpost (black)
- Hope front, rear, and seat quick release levers (black)
- Crank Bros Candy SL clipless pedals (black)
The bike was stolen in Aberdeen with a yellow / black Kryptonite New York D-lock
still attached, having been cut from a wall anchor in a locked external building.
I am offering a reward for information which leads to recovery / return of the bike.
From someone at my work.
Goes to show that if they are determined enough they will get it.

The pal who had his Enduro stolen told me the story:

They scaled a 7ft fence, broke 3 different locks and all infront of CCTV.

He claimed on his insurance, when he told the police he got cash from his insurance they were no longer interested. Idiots! :mad:
Thinking about it, none of the guys I ride with have carbon frames. I guess it's just not trustworthy enough a material. I remember storys of carbon fibre frames being broken, filled up with pollyfiller and sold on. :eek:

Cold hard steel rules ;)
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