*** Big Fat Weight Loss Thread ***

Saturday I finally got my delayed birthday meal with some family. I ate ridiculous volumes of meat and rice and then we went and had plate sized waffles, with cream and ice cream. I hopped on the scales this morning, expecting very bad news... nope, I've dropped 2 lbs since last week! :cry:

I look forward to your book on this new found diet.

Definitely something i can get on board with :D
I used to eat quite large amounts every Sunday, even when I was dropping the weight 4 years back. It does make me wonder if there is actually a benefit to it. Almost like a shock every now and then to make it panic when the calories slow again?
I used to eat quite large amounts every Sunday, even when I was dropping the weight 4 years back. It does make me wonder if there is actually a benefit to it. Almost like a shock every now and then to make it panic when the calories slow again?

There’s definitely a mental benefit to being able to eat what you enjoy and like. The trick is to keep your average calories for the week in a negative balance I suppose.
I've been trying to get my BP and Glucose levels down before I get diagnosed with type 2...Quickest way to get both down is to lose some weight. Only really ramped up the diet since November but I'm 3 stone down since sept.... 105kg down to 85kg.
But now my colitis has just started to flare up so that may put things on hold for a while.
Having veins in my arms and being able to see the ligaments in my feet feels really good. Having to buy loads of new clothes hurts the wallet... But going from XXL down to L and even some Mediums feels great. 36" inch waist to an easy 32".
Having to buy loads of new clothes hurts the wallet... But going from XXL down to L and even some Mediums feels great. 36" inch waist to an easy 32".
Tell me about it. Actually bought a new jacket the other day and the first time for as long as I can remember a M was a perfect fit, I used to by XL. Have just started buying some 36" jeans (down from 38") but have a funny feeling I'll be starting over again with 34" in a few months as the 36 already feel a little slack around the waist. For now though I bought a couple of decent belts (non Gucci).
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Way to go @mattyg !! It’s the visceral man-fat that’s the risk and reducing waist size is a reflection of that! I didn’t think I was too bad on that front, but my recent 1 stone loss has pretty much all come off the abdomen.
Thanks Guys.
Its the other benefits that come with it. Sleeping better, Not drinking as much so not up during the night etc... I'm not doing a sensible diet though. I cant stick to slow progress ones I need almost instant payback. That then helps reprogramme my brain. I've cut out 99% of my refined sugar intake.. No Coke, No sugar in Coffee etc.. Bread has been severely limited. But i'm not giving up my Latte's...... However I have also started to replace some of them with Tea.
I still have the occasional take away. But i'm more doing the 23/1 fasting diet.
once my BP and BS levels are where i want them to be I'll back it off a little. But to be honest. Once you get past the sugar cravings, Anything with sugar is just too sweet..
I think the increase in vegetables may have kicked off my colitis, so i need to be careful for the next month or so.
Ahh, now this kind of fasting I might cope with. I reckon I can just about slice an hour out of my day where I don't eat anything... maybe...
Dont worry about what you eat between 12 and 1. Worry about what you eat between 1 and 12 :D
To be honest, I'm not a breakfast person... Never have been (besides coffee) I'm very often busy and forget lunch until the Mrs asks what I had, Usually just before Dinner (tea for us northerners') So I'm just extending the fast a few more hours so i dont go to bed hungry...
Its working for the weight loss and not that hard to be honest..
One main meal a day here too, but due to working 1000-2200 my main meal is at about 2300, and then I'm in bed by 0130 - so not ideal. I do have two rounds of sandwiches for dinner and a cereal bar at about 1900 though, just to keep energy levels up.
One main meal a day here too, but due to working 1000-2200 my main meal is at about 2300, and then I'm in bed by 0130 - so not ideal. I do have two rounds of sandwiches for dinner and a cereal bar at about 1900 though, just to keep energy levels up.
I found cutting out the Bread was the hardest to do. Not trough craving it but WTF is there else to eat..... So once you get your head round not everything has to have "bread" in it.
My goto is Chicken breasts with either a dry mix fajita packet or a sticky rub... So the calories are chicken, Some olive oil and 40-80 calories from the packet toppings..
That or Pizza chicken (chicken with tomato puree and cheese)
Once I get the weight off and my injuries heal I'll be hitting the gym again and so the diet will have to change. But for now energy levels are ok
Yeah i'm not sure how i could ever cope without bread.

It'll be interesting seeing how i am when i get back from Spain. I'm there 3 months, but won't be taking scales with me. My anticipation is that my diet will be pretty good, i'm always good when doing proper supermarket shops for not buying junk, and there's no shop locally to just pop and buy sweets/crisps when you feel peckish. The main downside is the alcohol calories, because wine/beer is so cheap it's going to be tough not finishing work and having a couple drinks every day!

My foot issue is now confirmed as bursitis, so trying to reduce weight will likely help with recovery. I've decided to continue not running or standing at my desk so need to be fairly careful with calorie intake to ensure i don't balloon up!
Yeah i'm not sure how i could ever cope without bread.

I discovered some kind of protein bread in Asda called "Schneider Brot" which is extremely delicious and bread-like. It certainly does the trick for me. I couldn't care if I didn't eat a typical loaf ever again.
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