*** Big Fat Weight Loss Thread ***

A lb or two did bounce back on after this, but I stepped off the scales this morning at 15ast 4.1, which means 10lbs since the end of August. At first I thought this was quite quick, but actually, it's about 1lb a week, which sounds quite a steady rate. Given I know how many times I've not eaten well at all, I'm very pleased with this.

I do worry a little that I get too obsessive though. Yesterday I snacked between lunch and dinner (300 cals of peanuts) and had the extra bits in the evening that I've been trying to remove and I felt like it had been a bad day... I mean, I guess it's not bad to keep an eye on myself, but at the same time, it was really nothing and I let it make me feel a little bad. Mind you, then I stepped on the scales this morning and felt good again, but I don't want my mood tied too closely to this. (Although tbf, it's not that big an effect on my mood) Do others in this thread have that issue?

I’ve been feeing the same recently. Had some off days after quite a busy week of swimming and gym (and work!!) and enjoyed a weekend with friends which included wine and curry and a trip to Cadbury world. I’m still under 90kg but only just.

I’ve relaxed my calorie intake by 300-500 calories per day (1900-2200 up to 2200-2500) and I’ve seen a plateau. I’ve expected this, but I suppose the lack of progress might be mentally challenging me a bit. Also even with relaxing the calorie count I do feel like I’m still quite restricted. Feeling “naughty” if I’m having a treat etc. I suppose that shows that I’m making active decisions about what I’m eating, but my issue is that I’m eating it anyway and then feeling guilty afterwards!! The funny thing is that I had what I would consider a terrible day on Friday and I was at an honest 3200 kcal. That’s probably what I would have eaten every day before starting this journey!

Positive effects of having a few more calories - bench press is almost up to pre diet levels again (Monday) and I swam a mile without stopping this morning.
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I think I’m going to have to go back to low carb again. It’s the only thing that seems to work for me as it automatically rules out any sugary snacks which I am hopelessly addicted to. Can’t seem to find a happy medium, it has to be a whole bar of chocolate or none.
I think I’m going to have to go back to low carb again. It’s the only thing that seems to work for me as it automatically rules out any sugary snacks which I am hopelessly addicted to. Can’t seem to find a happy medium, it has to be a whole bar of chocolate or none.
Feel your pain..no chocolate shall ever be half eaten...

try Kalo Lentil cakes. one pack if same to bar of chocolate, but more protein and might fill you in half the pack, and not the whole - althoughI found their pesto ones addictive and i could eat 2 packs at once haha.

i was stuck at 220- 222 last few days...finally moved under but only so slighlty.. long game now...
Hoping i'll slip back under 100kg this week. Would be hopeful of it today, but i got up early and went for a run, and i'm not tricking myself and weighing in after that when i'll have lost water weight through sweat!

Been a fairly decent week overall, although i think my wife has finally accepted there's no hope for my will power. On Friday we were at a local bodega (wine shop/producer) and she suggested i buy a box of wine. In the theory that if i open a bottle i'll generally finish it, but i wouldn't drink a full box in one go. As such i would learn restraint to just have a glass or two when i wanted one. The downside being that because it's open and available. I pretty much nailed 3 litres from Friday night to Monday evening averaging a bottle a day. Something i definitely wouldn't have done if we only had bottles!

Off out for a Chinese tomorrow night, but it's a nice place which doesn't give huge portions. You end up "just right" so shouldn't add too much. Then we're pretty much sorted a house plan now which will reduce the daily trips out viewing places and subsequently stopping off for drinks/food.
wife is always to blame !!

i had to stop buying whisky... can polish off a bottle easy in 1 - 1.5 go...no, i dont have a problem hahaha
Haha yeah, i picked up some rum when we first got here that went in around 3 weeks (see. Restraint!), however it's not a habit i need to get into, so am forcing myself to not buy anything else.

Annoyingly i can't seem to get Speyside whiskys over here, everywhere i look it's either Irish or Islay/Blended :(
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Hovering around the 78kg mark still, no real overall weight loss in a few weeks, however wife got taken to hospital urgently last Thursday morning and when i'm stressed/anxious, I eat crap, any willpower and care goes out the window. She was out Saturday night but i'd eaten a fair amount of really poor quality food by then and scuppered a week or two of progress. it's evened out now though and will focus on being good again. I'm basically back at the point I was about 4 weeks ago - just a blip.
with my weight loss, ive lost a fair amount of strenght and muscle - not that I had much any of that in the first place.

I've noticed in the gym that back squats and deadlifts are tougher and i might not get to my previous PBs

but im okay with this as long as i will maintain what is left and slowly start buidling it up.

migth have to start taking some vitamins as supplements and start eating some veg LOL

Definetelly need to go back on my protein powder to help muscle fight the losing battle of disappearing :cry:

Interesting day at work yesterday to say the least. Took a patient from Resus to CCU (Coronary Care Unit, basically a Critical Care ward for coronary patients)), suddenly went light headed and went lights out in CCU. Came to on the floor a few seconds later with 5 cardiac nurses and a cardiac Dr sticking an O2 mask on me. Ironically, they used the same trolley I'd just brought my patient on to rush me down to resus. Full cardiac trace and bloods done and all clear. Sent home because the Dr was adamant it was a vasovagal (which I 100% agree with), but if it occurred again to come back in. Happened again at home a few hours later, so back up to work for another trace, more bloods and a head CT - all came back clear. So now onto to neurology just to rule other things out and play it safe. I'm still agreeing with the first Dr I saw in resus.

Was very strange being the other side of the curtain and having your work mates and colleagues treat you like the patient. Have to say though, I couldn't have picked a better place to go down.
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My dad recently had a triple heart bypass due to coronary artery disease. It spooked me into making some changes. So here I am, just over a week into my weight loss journey. Unfortunately I don't have a starting weight as the scales at home were broken. But I'm now 16st 2lb/103kg (Which sucks a bit, as I didn't think I weighed that much. Given a lot of my Size L clothes no longer fit, I guess I shouldn't have been as surprised by this as I was). I'm using Fitbit Premium to track calories in and calories out using a daily 750 calorie deficit.

I've cut my alcohol consumption from around 20 pints of ~5% beer a week to maybe half that number of low alcohol (<0.5%) beers. I thought that would be tougher than it has been, but I haven't really missed it.

The first week has yielded interesting insights. I thought that working in a restaurant and eating restaurant food all the time was a large part of the problem. But on work days I'm moving a lot & tend to only have two meals (breakfast and then an early dinner). Turns out these are the easy days. The danger days are days off. Yesterday I drove everywhere and was largely sedentary, so my calorie target was really tight.
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May aswell post my weight woes here!

Ive been going through a bad phase mentally over the last few years, nothing major, just enough for me to comfort eat. Last few years the weight has steadily gone up. At 5ft7 i tipped the scales at 115kg at the end of summer, along with the weight, for the 1st time ive felt terrible, unfit on another level, walking was starting to become difficult.

Im 46 with High BP since i was 19, food was my way out of difficult situations, sweet food especially. End of summer it all ended, decided to stop look at food as something to enjoy and just look at is as fuel. I started couch to 5k as a way of getting moving, and thankfully ive managed to dump some weight, im 100kg now, long way to go, but my mindset is hugely different, walking instead of the car, more gym work and importantly, thinking twice before i put something in my mouth. Im at 1500 cals a day and not hungry, no real cravings either. More importantly, I can run again, joints feel better, muscles feel better.

Theres just one thing i have to make sure i do, get down the gym 6am Monday, that sorts my week out with no glitches. Im taking it 10kg at a time, but im determined too make it work. My wife has helped me control my portions, as she would bring me huge plates of food, and say, just eat what you want, and i would oblige by bingeing the lot. Now after a few heated exchanges she understands how my mind works :p

Keep up the good work folks :)
@Tinders My partner is a feeder too.

We have these square plates which can accommodate tons of food, so I've now got my own normal sized circular plate which takes less food!

Glad to hear you've shifted a fair bit of weight already, keep going!
How do you guys cut calories so extremely to 2000 or under? I start feeling super hungry and can't get to sleep if I don't eat around 2700-3000 calories a day at 112KG, Do I need to cut my white carbs and eat more vegetables?
How do you guys cut calories so extremely to 2000 or under? I start feeling super hungry and can't get to sleep if I don't eat around 2700-3000 calories a day at 112KG, Do I need to cut my white carbs and eat more vegetables?
Carbs will raise your blood sugar higher than protein or fats, especially the processed/refined ones, e.g. the white stuff — that's had so much stripped away from it.

I would eat more foods that you find trigger your hunger less/and aren't so addictive, so most likely carbs. Cut the processed stuff out at home and only have it when eating out/special occasions, when there's less choice.
And then set a realistic number of calories that you can maintain and simply get used to being consistent. After a while, when things seem to be stable and consistent, try lowering your current value from, say, 3K to 2750 or 2500, and repeat the process.
Eventually, you should be able to find a happy medium. Then, once in a while, you can eat your fill until you're 'comfortably stuffed', since what you put back on will be insignificant in the long run. Consistency is very important, IMO.

If you get an attack of the munchies, then a portion of protein is probably the best thing as, although it's adding a few more calories, your body will burn more calories during digestion than compared to fats or carbs.
Hope this helps. :)

Personally, I feel better on lower carbs. I'm so used to it now. If I eat healthier, wholefood carbs, then it only takes a relatively short amount of time before I find temptation to be too strong.
Where I'm concerned, nighttime is by far the worst time of day for a potential relapse, so I try to eat plenty of protein for dinner.
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