A lb or two did bounce back on after this, but I stepped off the scales this morning at 15ast 4.1, which means 10lbs since the end of August. At first I thought this was quite quick, but actually, it's about 1lb a week, which sounds quite a steady rate. Given I know how many times I've not eaten well at all, I'm very pleased with this.
I do worry a little that I get too obsessive though. Yesterday I snacked between lunch and dinner (300 cals of peanuts) and had the extra bits in the evening that I've been trying to remove and I felt like it had been a bad day... I mean, I guess it's not bad to keep an eye on myself, but at the same time, it was really nothing and I let it make me feel a little bad. Mind you, then I stepped on the scales this morning and felt good again, but I don't want my mood tied too closely to this. (Although tbf, it's not that big an effect on my mood) Do others in this thread have that issue?
I’ve been feeing the same recently. Had some off days after quite a busy week of swimming and gym (and work!!) and enjoyed a weekend with friends which included wine and curry and a trip to Cadbury world. I’m still under 90kg but only just.
I’ve relaxed my calorie intake by 300-500 calories per day (1900-2200 up to 2200-2500) and I’ve seen a plateau. I’ve expected this, but I suppose the lack of progress might be mentally challenging me a bit. Also even with relaxing the calorie count I do feel like I’m still quite restricted. Feeling “naughty” if I’m having a treat etc. I suppose that shows that I’m making active decisions about what I’m eating, but my issue is that I’m eating it anyway and then feeling guilty afterwards!! The funny thing is that I had what I would consider a terrible day on Friday and I was at an honest 3200 kcal. That’s probably what I would have eaten every day before starting this journey!
Positive effects of having a few more calories - bench press is almost up to pre diet levels again (Monday) and I swam a mile without stopping this morning.
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