*** Big Fat Weight Loss Thread ***

I think i need to try and find out what's going on with me! Yesterday i was up to 104.7kg from 103 on Friday. MFP is also showing a fairly healthy deficit against their calculated target calories and that's without their already built in ~800kcal per day deficit from my baseline.

I've been pretty good without booze during January bar a couple of spikes. I was down around 102kg in mid January and since then my activity has ramped up a decent amount with my Garmin showing that i did almost 10hrs of activity last week including 2x 3+ hr bike rides. I kept assuming my weight was just water gain after some heavy activity days and assumed a correction would happen but it seems to be increasing.

Snacking has been at a minimum and breakfast has generally been fruit/yoghurt/homemade granola. Lunch is a huel shake and then tea is just a regular meal (chilli/curry/chicken and rice etc). Most days i actually seem to be having an additional huel as MFP says i'm considerably under my calorie goal and i'm conscious of the impact on exercise if i don't have enough.
The assumption would be i'm over estimating calories in, but the huel is easily calculated. My breakfasts are consistent (half banana, maybe a bit of kiwi, 2 tablespoons of Greek yoghurt and then a tablespoon or 2 of homemade granola). I know the granola isn't especially healthy, but with it being homemade there's no huge amount of sugar like shop bought stuff.
Evening meal is then usually guessed at, but i usually go for an input of around 800kcal which "feels" right for the kind of meals i mention above in a normal to large sized portion. If i have any wraps with it then they're also easily calculated.

Calories burnt is calculated by my Garmin, and whilst i know these apps have a reputation for overestimating. Most activity is through bike rides with both HR and Power data and also updated weight/height entered. The deficit above i mention is i usually try and only eat back 50% of the "burnt calories".

To be putting on ~2kg in as many weeks suggests i'm miscalculating by around 30,000kcal (assuming i'm working towards losing 1kg a week at 7,700kcal deficit and seeing the swing the opposite way). Surely even the worst guess based estimates can't be that far out!

Going to be interesting over the next few weeks. I'm not going to change what i'm doing quite yet because i fully believe i'm on the right track with activity/diet and putting this down to a freak few readings, but will be interesting to see if there isn't a correction and then i need to really try delving into things.
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i usually try and only eat back 50% of the "burnt calories".
I would imagine you can lower that, no? I don't think I ever go over a third, at most. I wouldn't eat more on any ride less than 40 miles (as if I go over 20, I'm going to at least 40). If I do 40-50 miles, about 1.8-3k cals, I would only have a brownie and coffee, so maybe 500 cals. If I did 60+ miles (3-3.5k cals) I might have two stops, so maybe 1k cals. I guess I might be a bit hungrier in the afternoon, so maybe another protein bar at 200cals.

I doubt this is 'the problem', just something I noticed.
I would imagine you can lower that, no? I don't think I ever go over a third, at most. I wouldn't eat more on any ride less than 40 miles (as if I go over 20, I'm going to at least 40). If I do 40-50 miles, about 1.8-3k cals, I would only have a brownie and coffee, so maybe 500 cals. If I did 60+ miles (3-3.5k cals) I might have two stops, so maybe 1k cals. I guess I might be a bit hungrier in the afternoon, so maybe another protein bar at 200cals.

I doubt this is 'the problem', just something I noticed.

I usually aim for half because i already have my daily goal set pretty low at 1770kcal (basically the MFP suggested target for 1kg weight loss a week at my weight and with "no activity"). I'm then conscious i'm already running around an 800kcal deficit so if i do a 1hr ride and Garmin suggests i've burnt around 800kcal. I try and add back a decent chunk of them as otherwise i'm potentially putting myself into a 1500kcal deficit a day, and more on longer activity days. Doesn't "feel" sustainable. I'd say my preference is to make sure i'm adequately fuelled and recovered with weight loss second.

What i would say is that from the basic macro review each day. I seem to be low in protein and high in fat. This is pretty common on a daily basis. Annoyingly it doesn't detail the items which are increasing the fat intake, but i suppose there is often elements of nuts for snacks which have a high fat content and generally using whole milk and lots of cooking with olive oil so not necessarily "bad fat".

I've always been pretty adament that i don't want to be too micro in my calorie counting. For example i don't count every cup of coffee with a splash of milk. My general belief is that if i'm targeting an 800kcal daily deficit then by not including those items i'm probably running around a "true" deficit of 500 or so. That level of tracking feels more realistic to me and more manageable rather than turning it into something i give up with after a day.

Going to give it a few weeks and then accept i'm over/under recording various metrics and scale up on my assumed calories per meal and maybe aim to not eat back as many calories but it definitely feels i should be on a decent track.
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I'm hoping someone can explain this to me. :confused:

If following a low-carb or keto way of eating in the U.K., when attempting to work out the net carbs, I understand that you subtract the fibre from the total carb amount.
So, in some situations, this seems fairly self-explanatory, e.g. a carrots (Sainsbury's) per 100g: carbohydrate 7.3; sugars 6.9; fibre 2.1, so 7.3 - 2.1 = 5.2 net carbs (per 100g).

However, in other examples, it doesn't make sense to me, e.g. flaxseed per 100g: total carbohydrate 2g; sugars 1.6g; fibre 27g. If I subtract the fibre, then I end up with a minus value?

Does anyone know the correct way to work this out?
Definitely need to make better choices when i'm away with work! Couple of days in Madrid this week and weighed myself today and i'm 106.4kg. I've not seen that kind of number for years! I wasn't particularly healthy and lots of sitting around and the Spanish love to entertain with food!
I think i need to try and find out what's going on with me! Yesterday i was up to 104.7kg from 103 on Friday. MFP is also showing a fairly healthy deficit against their calculated target calories and that's without their already built in ~800kcal per day deficit from my baseline.

I've been pretty good without booze during January bar a couple of spikes. I was down around 102kg in mid January and since then my activity has ramped up a decent amount with my Garmin showing that i did almost 10hrs of activity last week including 2x 3+ hr bike rides. I kept assuming my weight was just water gain after some heavy activity days and assumed a correction would happen but it seems to be increasing.

Snacking has been at a minimum and breakfast has generally been fruit/yoghurt/homemade granola. Lunch is a huel shake and then tea is just a regular meal (chilli/curry/chicken and rice etc). Most days i actually seem to be having an additional huel as MFP says i'm considerably under my calorie goal and i'm conscious of the impact on exercise if i don't have enough.
The assumption would be i'm over estimating calories in, but the huel is easily calculated. My breakfasts are consistent (half banana, maybe a bit of kiwi, 2 tablespoons of Greek yoghurt and then a tablespoon or 2 of homemade granola). I know the granola isn't especially healthy, but with it being homemade there's no huge amount of sugar like shop bought stuff.
Evening meal is then usually guessed at, but i usually go for an input of around 800kcal which "feels" right for the kind of meals i mention above in a normal to large sized portion. If i have any wraps with it then they're also easily calculated.

Calories burnt is calculated by my Garmin, and whilst i know these apps have a reputation for overestimating. Most activity is through bike rides with both HR and Power data and also updated weight/height entered. The deficit above i mention is i usually try and only eat back 50% of the "burnt calories".

To be putting on ~2kg in as many weeks suggests i'm miscalculating by around 30,000kcal (assuming i'm working towards losing 1kg a week at 7,700kcal deficit and seeing the swing the opposite way). Surely even the worst guess based estimates can't be that far out!

Going to be interesting over the next few weeks. I'm not going to change what i'm doing quite yet because i fully believe i'm on the right track with activity/diet and putting this down to a freak few readings, but will be interesting to see if there isn't a correction and then i need to really try delving into things.
Pick a calorie intake, stick to it for 3+ weeks, don't eat back the burned calories. I would support your bigger bike rides within the ride with food/gels/drink mix but don't get off the bike and start eating to get some of the burned calories back.

At your weight - go for 2000ish calories a day, i think unless you're doing 2+ hour bike rides, leave the on bike nutrition to a pretty low amount too
Yeah, i think i'm going to give that a go. I've a decent idea of how much activity i do on the bike so can help approximate it. It is generally only longer rides i add nutrition for rides. Anything over 2 hours is generally just a carb drink in my bottles, and then 3-4hr rides gets a few gels added. Although i'm running low on those and yesterday i felt pretty crappy till i bought some sweets around the 2 hour mark. Still, 100g of Haribo on a 3.5hr ride isn't adding much. Mainly need to get back to conditioning my body to be used to longer activities, as too long i've limited to around 90 minutes.

Plus side, this morning dropped from the heady heights and was back to 103.2kg. Still means January was pretty much neutral or a slight loss so clearly i need to rethink my estimations.
Having an Apple Watch is interesting @Martynt74 - my activity has increased and it thinks I’m using 3000-3200 calories a day (it hasn’t increased, I’ve just changed the way it’s being monitored). I know for a fact that if I ate that much I’d be back to 100kg. I also know that my weight is currently stable rather than falling as I’m eating between 2000-2400 calories a day. If I want to get lighter, I have to record a significant number of days at more like 1800 calories.

In essence what I’m trying to say is that you need to respond to the scales (if that’s your goal). Weight too high? Drop your intake. Be accurate with tracking, get the kitchen scales out!

I also need to improve my endurance, I’ve only managed short sessions on the Wattbike in the gym due to time constraints. Good for keeping the weight in check, not great for those longer spring rides that I’d like to do! Couple of holidays coming up (and birthday too!) which is likely to dent progress. Make hay while the sun shines I guess - when there is opportunity for fun and good food, take it! When there is opportunity for sensible intake, also take it! I’ve decided recently that Friday is not a reason in isolation to have a drink. Booze for special occasions, can also then have nicer booze!!

For the record - 88.6kg on Sunday morning. Had a couple of readings creep over 90 this last week.
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Yeah, i think i'm going to give that a go. I've a decent idea of how much activity i do on the bike so can help approximate it. It is generally only longer rides i add nutrition for rides. Anything over 2 hours is generally just a carb drink in my bottles, and then 3-4hr rides gets a few gels added. Although i'm running low on those and yesterday i felt pretty crappy till i bought some sweets around the 2 hour mark. Still, 100g of Haribo on a 3.5hr ride isn't adding much. Mainly need to get back to conditioning my body to be used to longer activities, as too long i've limited to around 90 minutes.

Plus side, this morning dropped from the heady heights and was back to 103.2kg. Still means January was pretty much neutral or a slight loss so clearly i need to rethink my estimations.
I mean 100g of Haribo is 340 calories, how much drink mix are you having alongside that? If that's all you had on a 3.5 hour ride (and the ride was at decent intensity) then you're likely suffering from hunger soon after and that's when snacking comes in.
The problem with calorie counting is it only works if you count every single calorie - i found it so easy to track the main aspects of my eating... just to ignore the odd wee bites here and there, the off 50 calories won't make a difference.... until you had that odd 50 calories a few times a day, it soon adds up.

I have actually stopped calorie counting in favour of being more calorie aware... I no longer record them and focus on 3 proper high quality meals a day and doing my damnest to keep snacking to the very bare minimum.
I mean 100g of Haribo is 340 calories, how much drink mix are you having alongside that? If that's all you had on a 3.5 hour ride (and the ride was at decent intensity) then you're likely suffering from hunger soon after and that's when snacking comes in.
The problem with calorie counting is it only works if you count every single calorie - i found it so easy to track the main aspects of my eating... just to ignore the odd wee bites here and there, the off 50 calories won't make a difference.... until you had that odd 50 calories a few times a day, it soon adds up.

I have actually stopped calorie counting in favour of being more calorie aware... I no longer record them and focus on 3 proper high quality meals a day and doing my damnest to keep snacking to the very bare minimum.

Was a single 33g carb drink. Works out around 180kcal so ~500 of intake over 3.5hrs of riding, then i usually get home and have some kind of carb/protein recovery drink like the SIS Rego which is maybe 300kcal, but then i've usually skipped a meal so the ~800kcal intake there is inplace of lunch as i then hang on and have an early tea.

I don't really snack much (at least not so far this year), the extra i've generally been eating was more to make up calories to ensure i was reasonably well recovered rather than purely focusing on a defecit as i've some long 10+ hour rides planned this year so need to prioritise recovery and hope there can be some weight loss amongst that training rather than weight loss being the primary.

I'd say i probably use MFP to try and be more mindful of things getting out of control rather than being precise as otherwise i wouldn't use it, but if i've had a few heavy days of 3000+kcal then at least seeing it on the screen is a good warning to get me to scale back a big a few days after and sometimes it's easy to not realise how high in calories some things are so having an initial visual is handy.
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I wonder if I’ve had a strange virus over the last couple of weeks. Cycling power has been really down (around 20%) and only just starting to return. Don’t think I can blame Christmas alone for the drop. Got to stick with it! Better calorie deficit so far this week, but the weekend is likely to wipe any good work out (lots of social events).
Does sound like the recovery of a bug given the lower power output, or maybe just a virus which hasn't quite fully hit home but just lurking and doing it's business in the background!
Getting some really weird outputs from my Garmin watch recently on calories burned. Not so much on specific activities. They're in the ballpark of where i'd expect (700-800kcal per hr for cycling, 300kcal etc for walking) but outside of that there's some baffling stats for the "other activity" done which isn't recorded. Not sure if something has adjusted in a recent Garmin update or not.

For example last Wednesday it shows "Activity Calories" in my app of 2602. However when i dig into my actual activity from last wednesday it only shows 205kcal from a quick easy 25 minute indoor bike ride. Absolutely no idea where it's got the rest from!

Also. It looks like it's taking my BMR as calculated by MFP and Garmin and then adjusting to the Garmin level. So far this morning it's adjusted by 88kcal. Might need to adjust that setting as never noticed it before, although as per posts last week i'm trying to mostly ignore the calories burnt addition and just stick to what feels a reasonable level. Saturday was a fairly good day (albeit with some wine). Yesterday was a huge meal for lunch with my parents where i ate both my food and leftovers from other people and then left me feeling stuffed from 4pm until i went to bed!

Also didn't get as much cycling in as i'd have liked. Our car broke down so had to ride around the a few shops to do grocery shopping, and then yesterday with my parents coming to visit i just got a quick hour ride in the morning. Not quite the 4+ ride i was hoping for on Saturday.

Today i'm down at 102.8kg though so as expected the freaky big jump up to 106kg+ were just a freak reading. Still seems crazy to jump 4kg in a week though no matter what!
I'd honestly put the burned calories completely out of mind - let your bodyweight over a 3+ week period be your judge of output vs intake. Our bodies do work on a calories in vs calories out basis but not down to an individual workout, individual day and even an individual week - it's over a period of time
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