*** Big Fat Weight Loss Thread ***

I’m totally off the boil at the moment. Been busy!

Confusing times for my scales - had a birthday celebration at the weekend which resulted in fluid retention in all the wrong places, two cycling sessions this week so far, the latest has improved my FTP which is unexpected. Felt knackered so ate an entire chocolate lobster. Scales said 89.7kg this morning which isn’t as bad as I had expected. Who knows! I’m heading to the USA at the end of the month, so RIP to any progress :cry:

Fingers crossed, you've been too much of a success story :p
Rest of the family has been ill this week meaning I'm running on fumes and just throwing whatever is in the cupboards and easy together for meals, but still managing to squeeze 30 minutes exercise in most days even if it's just jumping on the treadmill watching a series.
Still weight is holding, down to 211.8lb so 22.2lb down since Christmas just under 2lb a week which has always been a nice sustainable rate for me.
Lost 3kg/7lb after 1 week on Ozempic, no change in exercise or diet either

It's a quick weigh to lose weight but **** me the side effects are horrible, won't be doing this again
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put on about 2 stone after doing my knee in about a year ago... officially a bloater again... hope to go into remission soon
Without being too graphic, what are you experiencing? I've seen a few others on It that don't seem to have been affected.
I've been on Mounjaro since the middle of January - currently on week 2 of the 5mg dose.

The morning after the jab I woke with muscle cramps and joint pain (which isn't unusual for me), felt similar to early flu symptoms/hangover-type feeling.

Appetite was very much surpressed; couldn't finish my morning cuppa.

By Day 3, felt much better, but very constipated - I'm using Yfood meal replacement shakes for breakfast & lunch, with a high protein, low carb evening meal (cooked from scratch - usually a Bibimbap style noodle bowl, or Pho with glass noodles). Have increased fibre intake to assist, but last three visits were unsuccessful.

This morning's result was a tear-inducing, bust-a-vessel King Kong's Big Toe, with several Teddy Bear's Noses for the faecal equivalent of an ellipsis... I may have left a hand print on the stainless steel towel rail.

Long story; short - I'm down to 14st 11lb, for the first time in over 15 years.
Without being too graphic, what are you experiencing? I've seen a few others on It that don't seem to have been affected.

Extreme appetite suppression: I'd say to the point where I can't eat more than half of what I did before. That sudden large reduction in calorie intake has left me with fatigue, I feel tired all the time now. For the first two days, my calorie intake was cut by around 80%, but improved by day 3

Nausea: No vomiting but I feel nauseous all the time even after taking anti nausea meds

General stomach issues: Extreme constipation, along with cramps and bloating
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