When are you getting on the scales to see if it worked? I think you showed good discipline. I tend to go mad if I have a chocolate bar and want three or four more. Same with biscuits. On Tuesday I had three biscuits with a cup of coffee but then carried on and had fifteen more! Hence trying to just have one day a week for refined sugar.
Thanks. Lol, yeah, I can identify with that. Not eating a load of sweet snacks is hard isn't it. When I'm eating a single garibaldi, rich tea or chocolate bar, I savour it like I'm eating gold. Before the diet I would also eat a ton of them. I've only been doing it a week though so I'm currently motivated, but no idea how much willpower I actually have for the long haul.
I've been getting on the scales every day. I started at 13 stone 3lb last Thursday and each day was going down. I must have been losing water or something, definitely not fat in such a short time. I've been at 12st 13lb the last couple of days so it seems to have levelled out now.
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