For me, this is key. It was actually around learning a new language, but I remember someone saying it's never that you don't have time, everything is around priorities. Getting up a bit earlier is a perfect example. It's all priorities. Some would prioritise sleeping over bettering themselves. Some would prioritise seeing their mates or going to the pub over a run or workout, that's just a matter of priorities.
No gyms? Back garden. Raining outside? Get wet. No time to go for the pre-work run? get up earlier.
For me, this is key. It was actually around learning a new language, but I remember someone saying it's never that you don't have time, everything is around priorities. Getting up a bit earlier is a perfect example. It's all priorities. Some would prioritise sleeping over bettering themselves. Some would prioritise seeing their mates or going to the pub over a run or workout, that's just a matter of priorities.