Early days obviously, but last night my wife offered me a piece of toblerone and i said no. The resolve is strong!
On the downside, MFP tells me i was ~400 calories over for the day. Mainly since i've set my goal to lose 2kg a week and being as inactive as possible due to my ankle so it only allows 1500 calories a day. Breakfast and Dinner were healthy (porridge/soup), however tea was sausage/chips/beans/egg because we're trying to just do really quick meals that don't require too much time on my feet cutting/chopping foods. I also always massively underestimate chips when i'm cutting the potatoes and end up with more than i think and wasn't helped that my wife didn't like some of the sausages so i ended up having 5!
Still, being at 2000 calories in the day should still see a small drop i'd suspect.
Also going to start using my medicine ball for some arm based exercise to burn some energy and try and keep a slim bit of fitness.