*** Big Fat Weight Loss Thread ***

You only need the one leg to hold yourself in position. There is an older lass missing a leg who uses the rowing machine that way where I go, only reason I thought to mention it. Though I guess having a leg with a broken ankle on the end is a lot more awkward, you need to put it somewhere and not hurt it after all.
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You only need the one leg to hold yourself in position. There is an older lass missing a leg who uses the rowing machine that way where I go, only reason I though to mention it. Though I guess having a leg with a broken ankle on the end is a lot more awkward, you need to put it someone and not hurt it after all.

Yeah, just not worth the risk, especially with the drive there and then the stairs up into the gym bit (also the fact that i cancelled my membership when it went from £25 to £55 due to losing a discount!)

I think i'll be ok with just diet control for 2 weeks, then hopefully can start cycling. I have found someone selling a dumbell bar and 10kg of weights on facebook for a fiver. I'm going to pick that up and use it for a small workout.

I have some resistance bands fixed to the wall which would be ideal, but they're mainly high up and i'm still struggling to support my weight stood up and i'm trying to avoid putting too much strain through my good ankle.
Jeez I was tired when I wrote that, it's all sorts of nonsense! That's one heck of a jump in membership cost though.

Was when i lost my Vitality Health Insurance through a job change so lost the discount. Think they did off it for £35 to keep me, but it was still more than i could justify.
Well as expected, a lot of the 7kg increase after the holiday was water weight or just my body holding onto other rubbish.

Today clocked in at 101.8kg which is broadly in line with where i was before i went away which is reassuring as it gives me a more realistic starting point. The more interesting element will be next weeks movement i think.
I'm a sad case tbh. Was fit and running regularly back in 2014 the our first daughter was born and so there was never time, then the second arrived and there was even less. Sadly I'm the body type that demands exercise and I will steadily put weight on whenever it stops.

Anyway lockdown made it even worse as any physical activity I was getting, getting to work basically ended and the most movement I got was from bed to bathroom to office. June this year I kind of reached the point where enough was enough so made the decision to start back running. We have a treadmill so the embarrassment of outdoor running was spared but it was pretty painful. I'm not a big eater, don't like cakes, sweet stuff and haven't drunk alcohol for going on 5 years. Back in the day we religiously maintained myfittnespal and were hovering around 2000 calories a day whilst running 40km a week and I never got below 92kg (1880mm tall).

Anyway I still daren't get on the scales, but I know I've lost weight at a decent rate as older clothing is coming back on line and I'm running 5km a day Monday - Friday. Calorie intake has taken a bit of hit though, I'm eating about 1500 a day at the moment but expending nearly 700 on running, walking the girls to school and generally just making the decision to not sit on my **** all day. The Garmin is averaging me at about 8500 steps a day.

I'm pleased with where I am but I regularly beat myself up for letting it slide, I'm 48 now and it's genuinely not as easy as it was, my running pace is dire and gone from a sub 25min 5km to a just inside 36min 5km. I am looking forward to some winter park runs though.

When I've plucked up enough courage to weigh myself I'll post up but it might be meaningless as I have no idea of the starting point but it wouldn't have been pretty.
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Been "behaving" for three weeks. All good food and minimal simple carbs with no alcohol. I lost it last night - Friday night - and scoffed a small box of Maltesers and a third of a tube of Pringles. I just could not stop myself buying them. Fortunately, did no further damage and poured water into the rest of the Pringles - to ruin them and stop me rummaging for them later - and threw them away. Lesson learned, stay away from the junk food at Morrisons......
Big test today. Failed.

Having ordered no wine in the shopping delivery, we’ve had a few missing items and the wife has gone to the shop to get them.

She’s been suggesting wine all morning and my resolve broke as she was leaving the house.

We’re having a lazy sofa day as my ankle is still swollen so I’m being sensible and resting after a few days overdoing things slightly.

My justification is that half a bottle of wine a week is hardly a bad thing and there was never any chance of it being a permanent change as it’s my one vice. So starting off with it in moderation is ok.
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Yeah. I’m not too worried about it. Was mainly because I was trying to just have some time off due to having a lot whilst away on holiday.

Tea however is tuna and sweet potato fish cakes and brocolli/asparagus so I figure red wine is fine!
My weight was 10.51 stone yesterday morning, then I had two cheeseburgers and fries with some coleslaw and salad for lunch then a pepperoni pizza and a brownie for tea.

My weight this morning was 10.71 stone so no food for me today, I should be back on track tomorrow and will most likely have a Chinese.

My ideal weight is 10.62 stone which has a BMI of 21.7 which is spot on for my height.
Haha i'm not sure i've been near 10 stone since i was a kid! I'm sure it works for you @nlel1975 but it doesn't seem very enjoyable eating like that, to go from eating a lot one day to nothing at all and then takeaways again.

I'm up slightly to 103.2 today. Have been pretty good over the weekend, however i'm on some painkillers which seem to be really bunging me up. I feel like there's going to be a day when i do a huge poo and drop to 90kg :p
My weight was 10.51 stone yesterday morning, then I had two cheeseburgers and fries with some coleslaw and salad for lunch then a pepperoni pizza and a brownie for tea.

My weight this morning was 10.71 stone so no food for me today, I should be back on track tomorrow and will most likely have a Chinese.

My ideal weight is 10.62 stone which has a BMI of 21.7 which is spot on for my height.
Sounds like a really unhealthy relationship with food.
Dropped down to 10.56 stone yesterday and had a Chinese last night, today I’m down to 10.50 stone and will have something for lunch and a pizza and fudge cake tonight.

On the days where I skip dinner I do feel hungry but it’s not that bad and I’m a healthy weight.
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Agreed, it certainly isn't a method I would recommend to anyone.

Works for me and is the only way I can control my weight to keep it within a certain range. That range is still healthy. I don’t need exercise on top as well.

Had prawn and pasta for lunch and am planning on a 10” Pizza and strawberry cheese cake for tea washed down with a Coke Zero.

I was 10.50 stone this morning so with the pasta for lunch and pizza for tea I should be up to around 10.65 stone tomorrow.

I weigh myself everyday on my digital scales which has a free app to keep a record of measurements and I started on 24th April at 12.23 stone.
Weighing yourself every day like that to such exacting increments is part of that unhealthy relationship. We fluctuate quite a lot day to day just through water intake, salt intake, weight of the food we've eaten and how long it takes that food to clear out (porridge sits around for a long time for instance).
Again, agreed. I track with digital scales and sometimes weigh myself two or three days in a row (but certainly wouldn't after I know I ate a lot, like last night which was kebab night. To weigh myself this morning would be pointless) Thankfully my app gives me a 'trend' line, which is much more useful than my actual weight this morning.

I don’t need exercise on top as well.

Don't forget, being the right weight and being healthy are not the same thing...
This is me this year so far starting at 12.04 stone on the 30th April till today...


These weight fluctuations I’ve noticed haven’t been just this week but over 5 months so I can predict within a certain range what my weight will be.
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