*** Big Fat Weight Loss Thread ***

sod it, I'm gonna copy @Vidar
I'm the fattest I've ever been and it's peeing me off.
Did low carb before, but once I hit my goal I added more carbs and it went backwards fast.

Go for it pal, you won't regret it. Just make sure you're as clued up as you can be, so you know what to expect. If you're on Facebook I can recommend a really good group with a growing community etc. First couple of weeks can be a bit rough as I've mentioned but doesn't last long. Also remember the golden rule when just starting... Never trust a fart :eek::eek::eek::rolleyes::p;)
Also intrigued as currently dropping my carb intake so will be interesting to try some different meals. Also, do you guys have any go to foods that you eat when you just want to shovel in any type of junk food? I just want to buy high calorie foods and binge right now since eating healthier and dropping the calories, I'm sure it'll fade with time but it doesn't help being on my feet all day with my job. I wouldn't say I'm starving but the cravings are coming to the surface haha

When the cravings hit with us carnivores, you just eat fatty meat until satisfied. My Go to is either Sirloin, bacon or pork belly! It really works too!
Most certainly. I hop off to Waitrose and buy almond croissants, pains au chocolat, cinnamon buns, salami pizza and ice cream. Pizza is the one thing I miss when on low carb. I did make some alternative with an egg and cheese base which works out really well but it's incredibly greasy which makes me worry about getting gall stones. :D

Sorry should have phrased that better, I meant when you are feeling ravenous what healthy things do you eat in place of all the delicious things you just mentioned haha. Just trying to find a way to beat the cravings.

When the cravings hit with us carnivores, you just eat fatty meat until satisfied. My Go to is either Sirloin, bacon or pork belly! It really works too!

I used to eat so much fresh mozzarella as well it was brilliant :D I did enjoy having just the one or two meals a day, I much prefer to eat a lot in one go (probably the reason I can't lose weight at the moment) as I just get too hungry now, the hunger just disappearing on keto was great.
@Bunko cheese is the one thing I do need to try and limit, I find if I have it every day it stalls my weight loss a bit.

That's one of the things I like most about Carnivore, being able to eat my fill and being satisfied for upto 24hrs without needing to eat or feeling hungry again. Without, getting headaches or getting light headed like I used to.

Today's breakfast a 1.4kg Pork leg joint... Mmmmmmmmmm
Sorry should have phrased that better, I meant when you are feeling ravenous what healthy things do you eat in place of all the delicious things you just mentioned haha. Just trying to find a way to beat the cravings.

I haven't really sorted that side out yet. Last time, I used to eat cheese, take a swig from the olive oil bottle and put a dollop of coconut oil in a black coffee. This time I plan on keeping a lot of chicken and eggs ready.
Today's breakfast a 1.4kg Pork leg joint... Mmmmmmmmmm

How do you go about easily preparing all this meat? I think that's one thing that would annoy me as a "hate cooking" type of person - having to keep frying/roasting/grilling portions of meat all the time. I suppose if you had one of those Ninja Air Fryer things it would be a lot easier. Do you have something like that?
How do you go about easily preparing all this meat? I think that's one thing that would annoy me as a "hate cooking" type of person - having to keep frying/roasting/grilling portions of meat all the time. I suppose if you had one of those Ninja Air Fryer things it would be a lot easier. Do you have something like that?
I don't follow a keto style diet but I did pick up a cheap air fryer a couple of months ago and it makes life so much easier for things like this. Well worth the £40 and once we've got a bigger kitchen we'll definitely be upgrading to one of the bigger fancier ones.
I don't follow a keto style diet but I did pick up a cheap air fryer a couple of months ago and it makes life so much easier for things like this. Well worth the £40 and once we've got a bigger kitchen we'll definitely be upgrading to one of the bigger fancier ones.

Nice. I need to investigate a bit further and see what all the different models do then.
How do you go about easily preparing all this meat? I think that's one thing that would annoy me as a "hate cooking" type of person - having to keep frying/roasting/grilling portions of meat all the time. I suppose if you had one of those Ninja Air Fryer things it would be a lot easier. Do you have something like that?

So being disabled and having a kitchen that is in no way suitable for my needs I don't do any cooking. My missus does, but what she's found easier is batch cooking certain things like bacon that can just be warmed up. Most things I eat though only really take a few minutes and the rest is roasted over a few hours etc. That said we would like a Ninja for doing stuff like chicken wings.
I would caution anyone who tries a 'eat till you feel full diet' to make sure your doing regular weigh ins and your actually loosing weight.
Some people in a few weeks could easily put on a decent amount in that time but think they are 'doing well' as they are sticking to it.
I would caution anyone who tries a 'eat till you feel full diet' to make sure your doing regular weigh ins and your actually loosing weight.
Some people in a few weeks could easily put on a decent amount in that time but think they are 'doing well' as they are sticking to it.

I weigh myself, once a week on average. Same day, same time to make sure I'm getting the most consistent results possible. I'm seeing a consistent downwards trend I'm happy with! I only track my weight though, because certain health conditions require me to be below a certain weight in order to qualify for treatments.
The primary reason for this way of eating is for healing, my weight loss is just a happy side effect. As, it is for all the people I know doing this.
Can anyone to please signpost to content or YT videos for starting out at the gym? Last time I went was years ago and solely did cardio, but I'm now doing a mix of cardio and weights. I have watched some stuff and read bits and bobs in this thread but there is so much to trawl through. Goal is to drop from 100kg to 90kg.

Edit - doh, sorry I thought I was in the gym thread.
I know we've had these discussions before, I would say if your main goal is to lose weight, the gym should be your third priority after diet and cardio :)
If I don't make it past tomorrow night then it's been nice knowing you all. :p

* Tomorrow's evening meal is pizza + ice cream with a whopping 250g carbohydrate. I might go into a food coma and never recover.
If I don't make it past tomorrow night then it's been nice knowing you all. :p

* Tomorrow's evening meal is pizza + ice cream with a whopping 250g carbohydrate. I might go into a food coma and never recover.

I see you're having a huge blow out before you start! :D

Started Keto myself on 7th March at 14St 2.9lb with todays weight at 13St0.9lb - so a decent chunk off after the water weight.

Low carb works for me because I'm satiated on a much lower calorie intake, where I tend to land is the 13-1400 cal range. Sometimes I'm 1700, sometimes I'm 1k or under.

I obsessively track macros and supplement vitamins, along with cod liver oil and electrolytes during my mornings as I don't eat until lunch.

I probably still have a little too much dairy in the diet for long term but as time moves on I find I need cheese less and less.
I obsessively track macros and supplement vitamins, along with cod liver oil and electrolytes during my mornings as I don't eat until lunch.

I probably still have a little too much dairy in the diet for long term but as time moves on I find I need cheese less and less.

Do you take extra potassium? It's what I was concerned about on my first keto session in 2019. I ate a fair amount of spinach. :D
Do you take extra potassium? It's what I was concerned about on my first keto session in 2019. I ate a fair amount of spinach. :D
I take 2 electrolyte plus tablets on a morning from myprotein which gives 800mg.

With the amount of water I drink and the amount I pee, I could get away with another 2 a day if required.
Well I just scoffed the pizza and the entire 440ml tub of Magnum ice cream and I've still got an easter egg. But I'll save that for later when Terminator 2 comes on.
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