Yeah, I've been using Huel for about 4 years, one meal a day. I actually really look forward to it after exercising. If it's a morning ride, then I have it for lunch when I get home. If it's an evening indoor training session after work, I have it as dinner. Drinking your meal when you're exhausted and thirsty works well for me.
Weight loss is working slowely since Xmas. It's rather annoying how easily the weight goes on and how hard it is to come off... I was around 15st 6 or 7lbs a week before Xmas. A week after Xmas I was around 15st 10 or 11lbs and I've only just now really got back down to 15st 6lbs this week. I'm not going super hard on the calorie deficit, but working quite hard on the bike. I'm hoping that will bring me to my Mallorca trip in better form, rather than really cutting cals out and losing some power.