Big Sony PS3 announcment coming 31st March?

Not really odd at all. There is talk of the Wii actually going up in price in the UK, because the £ is worth next to **** all

True, but I don't see Sony or MS announcing a price increase either. Nintendo are doing it solely because they know they can get away with it. Which is perfectly fine, that's business.
Come on now, it was the gaming community that hyped this up, not Sony.

And silly fellas in here going OTT with their ideas.

Well i can say i was right regards a price cut though thought the PSP would have got a mention too with the DSi launching soon.
"2. Giving the timing of 31st March and the new business year starting in April id assume its money involved and possibly price cuts."

See i am a smart ass afterall :)
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well i have a ps3 and have never played a ps1 or ps2 game on it and i have quite a few of them - and before anyone says - its a launch 60gb model

same goes for my 360 and all my xbox games

Just got F355 Ferrari Chellenge for PS2 and it works great on PS3.
Although OMG it looks so ancient

(loved it on Dreamcast all thouse years ago)
Given the current econmic conditions, I thought a PS3 price cut was unlikely. The pound has become weaker meaning that Sony in Japan get less money for each console sold in the UK. Nintendo even put up their trade prices for the Wii, so at least Sony didn't do that.

Plus the PS3 still seems to be selling well according to VGchartz, roughly the same as the Xbox 360.
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