Deleted User 298457
Deleted User 298457
Glad most of the worrying opinions in this thread are armchair politicians who have zero say in the matter and wouldn't last more than a few seconds in a serious political debate.
Have you even read the reason why they are banning him. It's because his latest Tweets could be and were being interpreted as instigation for another attack. Free speech only goes so far, and also this is on a private platform, there's a possibility Twitter could be culpable in any subsequent events that are advertised by the individuals on there platform.
edit: Also its not really a communications platform that would be something like Whatsapp or Messenger. Its an advertising platform where you can advertise your opinion to everyone. Not everyone should be entitled to that.
How would people feel if twitter and facebook were owned by right leaning groups that used it to shut down the left.
I think twitter did the right thing with fact checking.
Censoring people is not the right way. It has never been the right way and considering the power these companies have these days they really should not be free of scrutiny when it comes to free speech. When you are reaching hundreds of millions of people or even billions in the case of facebook you shouldn't be allowed to ban points of view that you don't like or agree with.
Trump is a complete **** but he has the same rights to say what he wants as anyone else. I think a lot of woke politics is hugely damaging to people and society as a whole but I don't want their voices silenced or driven off popular media platforms. Both the left and the right talk a hell of a lot of **** about the same issues and different issues but one side is heavily criticised and moderated and the other is allowed almost complete freedom.
How would people feel if twitter and facebook were owned by right leaning groups that used it to shut down the left.
I think twitter did the right thing with fact checking. The law can deal with Trump if he is found to have been inciting violence or breaking the law.
Its also massively cowardly from these companies.
Has anyone noticed how world leaders and these social media platforms are suddenly willing to stand up to Trump and tell him hes being a ****? Funny they have only just started doing it once its become clear that he isn't going to somehow retain the presidency. Its pathetic. Its exactly the same as the world gently chiding China for their human right abuses and general abuse of their power but not actually doing anything to stop them.
Glad most of the worrying opinions in this thread are armchair politicians who have zero say in the matter and wouldn't last more than a few seconds in a serious political debate.
Feels like a lot of "The Sun" readers frequenting this thread. The echo chamber of your local barber/ working mans club closed must be having quite an impact.
It is possible to live without Twitter/FB et al. We did it 15 years ago. It's just they are very skilled at hooking people on it as if it's life or death. It's abuse of power to make them rich and seem significant. It all started off as a novelty, a bit of fun, a convenient way to communicate and now as usual it's about being in the clique, if your not in then you don't have a life. They've truly hijacked the US political system.
The problem with your type of attitude is it means more people will die and more violence and insurrection will happen. You are effectively calling them massively cowardly because they are responding and trying to reduce the amount of people being killed. This isn't just some light trolling, people are dying and causing riots and insurrection.Censoring people is not the right way. It has never been the right way and considering the power these companies have these days they really should not be free of scrutiny when it comes to free speech. When you are reaching hundreds of millions of people or even billions in the case of facebook you shouldn't be allowed to ban points of view that you don't like or agree with.
Trump is a complete **** but he has the same rights to say what he wants as anyone else. I think a lot of woke politics is hugely damaging to people and society as a whole but I don't want their voices silenced or driven off popular media platforms. Both the left and the right talk a hell of a lot of **** about the same issues and different issues but one side is heavily criticised and moderated and the other is allowed almost complete freedom.
How would people feel if twitter and facebook were owned by right leaning groups that used it to shut down the left.
I think twitter did the right thing with fact checking. The law can deal with Trump if he is found to have been inciting violence or breaking the law.
Its also massively cowardly from these companies.
Has anyone noticed how world leaders and these social media platforms are suddenly willing to stand up to Trump and tell him hes being a ****? Funny they have only just started doing it once its become clear that he isn't going to somehow retain the presidency. Its pathetic. Its exactly the same as the world gently chiding China for their human right abuses and general abuse of their power but not actually doing anything to stop them.
These are not "points of view" they are outright lies and brainwashing.
These two post contibuted nothing to the discussion. No opinion. No information. No thought.
Feels like a lot of "The Sun" readers frequenting this thread. The echo chamber of your local barber/ working mans club closed must be having quite an impact.
The problem with your type of attitude is it means more people will die and more violence and insurrection will happen. You are effectively calling them massively cowardly because they are responding and trying to reduce the amount of people being killed. This isn't just some light trolling, people are dying and causing riots and insurrection.
People where scared to stand up to Trump before because of what he did to people who did stand up to him. You cannot blame them for not standing up before as Trump would issue orders banning those companies from from operating then demand they get sold to another company. Its only now that threat has gone the companies are daring to stand up.
Your standing there calling them pathetic because they are trying to keep operating and safeguarding 1000's of employees who would otherwise lose jobs. Would you still call them pathetic if a company you worked for stood up and you lost your job because of that? Personally I think its your attitude that is pathetic not the other companies.
So is a lot of what other people say. Both sides were lying about Brexit. The problem is when one sides lies are allowed and the other side is not.