Big Tech Authoritarianism

Yet all of those calling Trump a racist apparently went out and voted for Joe Biden in record numbers, whose history of racism is far worse and clear for all to see if you look hard enough for it (because the mainstream media won't show you it).

So does that make all Joe Biden supporters racists who need to be purged? will there be anyone left when the purge is over? lol

I am not talking about anything else, that can be in another discussion or another reply. For now I just want to know the views of trump supporters on the racist things he has said as you guys seem to be trying very hard to actually avoid giving your opinions on it. You will instead use whataboutism or try to shift the discussion on to somebody else to avoid giving your opinion. Everything aside for another discussion, What are your thoughts on the racist things said by Trump.
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I am not talking about anything else, that can be in another discussion or another reply. For now I just want to know the views of trump supporters on the racist things he has said as you guys seem to be trying very hard to actually avoid giving your opinions on it. You will instead use whataboutism or try to shift the discussion on to somebody else to avoid giving your opinion. Everything aside for another discussion, What are your thoughts on the racist things said by Trump.

Are you taking about the Mexicans or what?
I am not talking about anything else, that can be in another discussion or another reply. For now I just want to know the views of trump supporters on the racist things he has said as you guys seem to be trying very hard to actually avoid giving your opinions on it. You will instead use whataboutism to avoid giving your opinion. Everything aside for another discussion, What are your thoughts on the racist things said by Trump.

If you could specify which "racist remarks" Trump has made, then I as a non Biden or Trump supporter would gladly give my view on them. If what I think you may be referring to are things like him calling covid the China virus etc then I don't see that as racist at all more factual on its origin, but a very poor choice of phrasing that could be considered by some as such. Likewise with Merkel calling the current covid mutations the British virus. It's not racist, or in this case even factual as the UK were mearly the first country to detect the mutations as our genetic sequencing is some of, if not the best in the world.
Are you taking about the Mexicans or what?
If you could specify which "racist remarks" Trump has made, then I as a non Biden or Trump supporter would gladly give my view on them. If what I think you may be referring to are things like him calling covid the China virus etc then I don't see that as racist at all more factual on its origin, but a very poor choice of phrasing that could be considered by some as such. Likewise with Merkel calling the current covid mutations the British virus. It's not racist, or in this case even factual as the UK were mearly the first country to detect the mutations as our genetic sequencing is some of, if not the best in the world.

His general racist attitudes.
You can drop the "racist" from that as general attitude will suffice.

His perspective and view of the world doesn't necessarily make him a racist. Is Merkel a racist for calling the covid19 mutations the British virus? No its just a figure of speech, a poorly chosen one. If on the otherhand it was completely intentional and meant to cause offense then its a different story.

I've seen real racism, I've seen how distructive it can be (grew up in South Africa in the 80s/early 90s), when you take something out of context its easy to form a false opinion around it.
Hang on. Some people on here are being berated for following apparent "conspiracy theories" and here we are with, well, the old CA conspiracy theory. Including a direct quote by someone who has written a book about their "plot to break the world".

CA became a complete scapegoat for things not going the way the elite wanted it to. How do you both think that Facebook make money? They like giving you that platform for free, right?
What am I missing, since when has Trump hiring Cambridge Analytica to target people like @mmj_uk via algorithmically targeted users and conditioning got anything to do with a conspiracy. Isn't that just what happened, which part is a CT? Is the ex CEO of Cambridge Analytica being a main member of Parler incorrect? Or is the quote about that CEO's goal not something they really said?

I am aware of how Facebook makes money. What I was trying to get across is that the large scale social media algorithmically targeted users tactic for political gain started with Trump side and as far as I am aware has never been seen to this scale before in the way Trump did it at least in the West. It didn't really start with Trump but that is when I see it as being taken to the next level.
You can drop the "racist" from that as general attitude will suffice.

His perspective and view of the world doesn't necessarily make him a racist. Is Merkel a racist for calling the covid19 mutations the British virus? No its just a figure of speech, a poorly chosen one. If on the otherhand it was completely intentional and meant to cause offense then its a different story.

I've seen real racism, I've seen how distructive it can be (grew up in South Africa in the 80s/early 90s), when you take something out of context its easy to form a false opinion around it.
This is an outdated definition of racism. Progress has been made that racism doesn't need to be outwardly calling people racist words.

The fact Trump called Coronavirus "Kung Flu" is now enough to be, in most educated, scholarly or professional circles, racist. Maybe not at the local football club where racism is still decades behind other walks of life.
You can drop the "racist" from that as general attitude will suffice.

His perspective and view of the world doesn't necessarily make him a racist. Is Merkel a racist for calling the covid19 mutations the British virus? No its just a figure of speech, a poorly chosen one. If on the otherhand it was completely intentional and meant to cause offense then its a different story.

I've seen real racism, I've seen how distructive it can be (grew up in South Africa in the 80s/early 90s), when you take something out of context its easy to form a false opinion around it.
This is an outdated definition of racism. Progress has been made that racism doesn't need to be outwardly calling people racist words.

The fact Trump called Coronavirus "Kung Flu" is now enough to be, in most educated, scholarly or professional circles, racist. Maybe not at the local football club where racism is still decades behind other walks of life.

I do not think calling it the China virus is racist as it is where it originated and this is how other diseases have been named. I have provided an entire list of racist things he has said.
What am I missing, since when has Trump hiring Cambridge Analytica to target people like @mmj_uk via algorithmically targeted users and conditioning got anything to do with a conspiracy. Isn't that just what happened, which part is a CT? Is the ex CEO of Cambridge Analytica being a main member of Parler incorrect? Or is the quote about that CEO's goal not something they really said?

I am aware of how Facebook makes money. What I was trying to get across is that the large scale social media algorithmically targeted users tactic for political gain started with Trump side and as far as I am aware has never been seen to this scale before in the way Trump did it at least in the West. It didn't really start with Trump but that is when I see it as being taken to the next level.

Social media has been used for political gain long before Trump, the whole Cambridge Analytica issue came about from their interference with elections in parts of Africa, that was when the implications of social media really started to make people notice. IT was then solidified with their involvement with brexit and trump, both of which used facebooks user data.

The issue here though is about big tech, and facebook is clearly the bigger issue.
I do not think calling it the China virus is racist as it is where it originated and this is how other diseases have been named. I have provided an entire list of racist things he has said.
I linked the same article much earlier in the thread, but they aren't interested.

We also drew several parallels in the thread, but they aren't interested.

The vast majority of view points provided in this thread are "source: my own personal experiences", so it is a pretty fruitless debate.

Edit: Even worse, we are digging out Joe Rogan videos now.
I do not think calling it the China virus is racist as it is where it originated and this is how other diseases have been named. I have provided an entire list of racist things he has said.

Ah, but this is the new age where there are groups out there that see and look for racism in everything in order to control language and grab power from that.
It then jumps from that to him being portrayed as hood wearing lyncher in 3.5 seconds on Twitter though. He's an awful man, but the projection of extreme levels of racism onto him has to be acknowledged.
It depends on if it was meant as a derogatory statement or just a play on words. Those with a sensitive deposition to words may find it as such, but others won't and just see it was a play on words for an otherwise serious issue. Should the president be attempting to make a joke out of a serious issue, no not really.

Not to say he doesn't have a warped view on what is racist or not, his history has plenty of moments that are considered racist by some. Doesn't mean he profoundly hates people that aren't white. After one statement with regards to african countries, one such countries president even came out and said they liked him as he was frank. Despite calling the country of said president a ****hole.
Oh, he undoubtedly isn't anti-racist and encourages those hard line racist views. He does it within the established old boundaries of the US, he plays with it and that's what I've taken as him being completely inappropriate and dangerous as a world leader, never mind PotUS. He's make a mockery of the freedoms that the US has to offer.

I say the above, but also consider the thought crime police that come along and say "because he's said this (low level, insensitive statement) , the he must believe and support this (centuries of racial oppression and violence against all women)" - I don't accept that way of thinking.

I have no idea how the world and the internet moves on from this clown though. He's fanned the flames of something that was simmering and slowly burning away to the point of eruption.
What am I missing, since when has Trump hiring Cambridge Analytica to target people like @mmj_uk via algorithmically targeted users and conditioning got anything to do with a conspiracy. Isn't that just what happened, which part is a CT? Is the ex CEO of Cambridge Analytica being a main member of Parler incorrect? Or is the quote about that CEO's goal not something they really said?

I am aware of how Facebook makes money. What I was trying to get across is that the large scale social media algorithmically targeted users tactic for political gain started with Trump side and as far as I am aware has never been seen to this scale before in the way Trump did it at least in the West. It didn't really start with Trump but that is when I see it as being taken to the next level.

It didn't just target voters like @mmj_uk but black voters who they thought would vote Democratic. They were hit with ads that tried to discourage them from voting by either implying their vote won't be counted or just won't matter. Active voter suppression.
I heard an argument I hadn't heard before today on the New York Times podcast The Argument. It is a special episode so not the usual hosts. Its is all about Section 230, is hosted by Jane Coaston who is a libertarian. On the right is Klon Kitchen and on the left Danielle Keats. Klon Kitchen pointed out that although 230 protects platforms and websites from liability for content posted on their websites, there is the condition that, it has to be moderated. Parler by not moderating speech, leaving death threats and such speech on the platform was actually no longer covered by section 230. So not only was Parler opening itself up to civil liability but also Apple, Google and Amazon through their association with it and that is why those companies had to drop Parler. This view was backed by the other 2 participants. Interesting take which I've not heard said before. Its a free podcast and worth a listen
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"Parler is funded by the former owners of Cambridge Analytica. They always wanted to create a new social network to collect data and disseminate propaganda. And now they have." Says it all.

What am I missing, since when has Trump hiring Cambridge Analytica to target people like @mmj_uk via algorithmically targeted users and conditioning got anything to do with a conspiracy. Isn't that just what happened, which part is a CT? Is the ex CEO of Cambridge Analytica being a main member of Parler incorrect? Or is the quote about that CEO's goal not something they really said?

I am aware of how Facebook makes money. What I was trying to get across is that the large scale social media algorithmically targeted users tactic for political gain started with Trump side and as far as I am aware has never been seen to this scale before in the way Trump did it at least in the West. It didn't really start with Trump but that is when I see it as being taken to the next level.

Because you started with a direct quote from that guy who thinks they are trying to destroy America and the world through propaganda and that they are puppets of Russia. It's hit job stuff on CA (btw see ICO investigation) and my point is that this reinforces an existing conspiracy theory around them rigging elections for Trump and Brexit, which is really not helpful or accurate. It's not to say CA themselves are a model company but it shouldn't be blown out of proportion.

On the second section, no, that's not correct. The Obama campaign in 2008 did this on a large scale using Facebook data and it's amusing how these people kept their heads low as the CA scandal blew up (quick, stay quiet and no-one will notice). Back then, they had been pretty proud of what they had achieved. People just don't know what you could/can actually extract from the Facebook platform (i.e. the data available) and this team built a technical platform to do just this.
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Ron Paul got locked out of his group account to run his page on Facebook.

Not until after he complained in public Facebook responded with (paraphrasing) "oops, we did a whoopsy" - the typical line when social media companies get spotlighted for censoring opinions. If it would have been the likes of the little people like us, we'd have had no recourse to any help.

Ron Paul Says He's Been Locked Out of His Account, but Facebook Says It Was a Mistake

I just noticed Tim Pool got de-monitised from his Facebook group, purely for covering the Capitol Hill event on video. None of Facebooks rules were broken. I'm sure it'll result in another whoopsy.
If you could specify which "racist remarks" Trump has made, then I as a non Biden or Trump supporter would gladly give my view on them. If what I think you may be referring to are things like him calling covid the China virus etc then I don't see that as racist at all more factual on its origin, but a very poor choice of phrasing that could be considered by some as such. Likewise with Merkel calling the current covid mutations the British virus. It's not racist, or in this case even factual as the UK were mearly the first country to detect the mutations as our genetic sequencing is some of, if not the best in the world.

If you are unaware of Trumps racist past then maybe do some research? It is not difficult to find.
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