Biker's Cafe Chatroom

13 Mar 2004
Best thing you (and anyone else who hasn't already!) can do this summer is some track days, even just going slow in the novice group is faster than you should ever do on the public roads.

Makes you realise there is no point in going fast on the road and just enjoy riding more without having anything to prove, not saying you or anyone else does, but everyone is so worried these days about chicken strips and knee sliders!



3 Dec 2011
There're so many factors that go into getting rid of the chicken strips, doesn't apply to the massive ones. But the smaller ones, doesn't mean someone with chicken strips is slow.

I'm slow on the road compared to the people I went out on a ride with, I barely kept up in the corners. That made me realise, that what I was thinking was really fast was actually slow. I'm starting a new job after this summer holiday, so I can't afford to lose my license. No more group rides or night time cruises, I'll just use the bike when I have to like I did with my car... For next bike I'll get some enduro WR250 or 450, apparently the experience helps even when you're out on a track on your supersport.

When you think about it, its so easy to get killed on a bike on the road. One of my managers use to ride on the road, now he only does trackdays as he says that riding on the road is far too dangerous.
11 Jul 2009
That's because it's not always you,its the other idiots on the road

I always say aslong as your sensible you'll be fine,there's plenty long open roads to have fun on

And who cares about chicken strips? You will if you high side it trying
13 Mar 2004
Yeah, most of the people I ride on track with either don't have a road license (ACU only) or don't have a road bike!

My road tyres have probably half inch strips but my knee sliders are well worn from the track!

Riding on dirt or anywhere that lets the rear lose traction translates very well into sport bike riding skills.
24 Jul 2004
No more group rides or night time cruises, I'll just use the bike when I have to like I did with my car...

When you think about it, its so easy to get killed on a bike on the road. One of my managers use to ride on the road, now he only does trackdays as he says that riding on the road is far too dangerous.

What!? Just don't ride long a moron and you'll be fine and have more than enough fun.
4 May 2009
Attended a funeral rideout this afternoon. Didnt know the guy but it was the community asking people to attend so I did. Turnout was about 100 bikes following the coffin and the family were very grateful.

It was nice to do and I would do it again
21 Apr 2006
That sucks IC3 :(.

Did you admit to speeding? The only time I've been pulled for speeding, I denied all knowledge. He said he had to hit 60 to catch me, and I just told him my speedo said 30. AFAIK, unless they have video footage accurately measuring your speed, you can only self incriminate. Once you admit you were speeding, then that can be taken as a confession.

He got a bit ****ed off, called me an idiot, and went back to his car.
22 Sep 2011
Staffordshire Somewhere
That sucks IC3 :(.

Did you admit to speeding? The only time I've been pulled for speeding, I denied all knowledge. He said he had to hit 60 to catch me, and I just told him my speedo said 30. AFAIK, unless they have video footage accurately measuring your speed, you can only self incriminate. Once you admit you were speeding, then that can be taken as a confession.

He got a bit ****ed off, called me an idiot, and went back to his car.
The typical 'do you know why I have stopped you today'

Me: 'errrr no idea' ;)
Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
Well my shift rod crafted by one of the guys in the factory was spot on to get me through my MOT and the perfect length to sit my lever at the height I like but unfortunately the rod we have in the machine shop is just mild steel so it was already starting to look rather ropey rust wise on the threads after 2 days.

Had a look at buying the OEM rod and lock nuts and it was cheaper to get a Ti set from a local guy I use so I've just fitted that, didn't think to ask him to make it a little longer than the standard one he sells for the SV but it's only about 10mm shorter than the one it replaced so I can make that up using the adjustment.

Ordered some other Ti bolts as well to replace my front caliper and axle pinch bolt, unfortunately they sent me the wrong size for the pinch bolt but at least it's not like I'd stripped it down just to get at it then found out.

As it's going to be peeing down all weekend I think my plan is to get my YBR caliper cleaned and rebuilt in the kitchen, and try not to make too much of a mess :D
2 May 2004
There're so many factors that go into getting rid of the chicken strips, doesn't apply to the massive ones. But the smaller ones, doesn't mean someone with chicken strips is slow.

I'm slow on the road compared to the people I went out on a ride with, I barely kept up in the corners. That made me realise, that what I was thinking was really fast was actually slow. I'm starting a new job after this summer holiday, so I can't afford to lose my license. No more group rides or night time cruises, I'll just use the bike when I have to like I did with my car... For next bike I'll get some enduro WR250 or 450, apparently the experience helps even when you're out on a track on your supersport.

When you think about it, its so easy to get killed on a bike on the road. One of my managers use to ride on the road, now he only does trackdays as he says that riding on the road is far too dangerous.

Don't give up because of one issue. Keep riding, it sounds like you enjoy it.

Also, I'm not one to preach about kit at all, but if police spot you riding about in casual shoes and minimal other kit, you're more likely to annoy them and get pulled over for little reason.
24 Mar 2011
I was offered points or the course but cba with it so took the points but i've had my license 10 years now so it's not an issue. ;)

Nooo, if you ever get the choice - course every time. They cost the same I believe, and when you take the course you never have to declare anything to insurers, it's like you were never caught.

3 points may not seem that bad, but if you get another 3 that will increase insurance a fair bit.



3 Dec 2011
Unfortunately he did have a video, I was cruising at 40mph, he was constantly behind me following closely. I've had 2 people tailgate me when finally they overtook me, one of them did it in a 30mph zone. :eek:

I had another undercover cop behind me today in Hitchin, in 30 I was going 20mph. There was lots of parked cars on the side of the road, sharp corners and massive speed bumps. I slowed down to like 7-10mph when going over the speed bump. I think he got fed up with me and went into a side street. :p What is up with police driving so closely behind you? It really frustrating and I'm sure it could be classified as tailgating. I need to get a small hidden action cam at the rear.

You can lose your license for speeding or doing a wheelie, steal a bike and you'll get something like 3 weeks in public services...



3 Dec 2011
I was offered points or the course but cba with it so took the points but i've had my license 10 years now so it's not an issue. ;)

I would pick the course any day! lol No matter if I had points or I didn't...

Don't give up because of one issue. Keep riding, it sounds like you enjoy it.

Also, I'm not one to preach about kit at all, but if police spot you riding about in casual shoes and minimal other kit, you're more likely to annoy them and get pulled over for little reason.
I had timberland boots on, so its not like I was wearing vans. They're made out of thick leather... I had my jacket, gloves and helmet on. The only think that didn't offer any protection were my jeans.

I'm not going to give up, I'm just saying that I wont be riding on the road.

Nooo, if you ever get the choice - course every time. They cost the same I believe, and when you take the course you never have to declare anything to insurers, it's like you were never caught.

3 points may not seem that bad, but if you get another 3 that will increase insurance a fair bit.
My mate got offered a course, it was slightly more than the fine. But like you said no points, he said by now he can teach that course haha. :p

It would help them if they knew about the 3 i already have lol :p
So you've 6 points on your license now?

How did you know it was an undercover cop (latest one) doubt I'd be able to notice from just my mirrors. Think you're just paranoid now :p
I spotted his police hat, the car was a silver astra. BTW I had a small peak over my shoulder too, I'm a bit paranoid. Check my mirrors every time I get off a roundabout and when I enter a different street. Not fun! :( For the next year bike will just do as my transport, no more joy rides. I'm not going back to public transport...
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24 Mar 2011
No need to give up riding for fun, just ride a bit more sensibly :D

Stick religiously to the limits in 30 and 40 zones and have some fun when it's dry on NSL A and B roads. Camera vans rarely sit in NSL roads, it's always 30 and 40 zones, or 50 zones on a DC.
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