Biker's Cafe Chatroom

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I'll do that then, cheers dude!

Just think the next one would be too big. I can wear a thin jumper under this one and seems to be OK.

Think I just need to get used to it. Went on a 15 minute ride and it seemed comfortable whilst I was on the bike so that's a plus.
Went to get petrol ready for the weekend. Took 30 mins :p

Still need to get more confidence with slow turns from standing, i.e. turning right off a main road into a side road. I think I just need to slip the clutch more, my triple can go pretty fast in 1st gear so I tend to get a bit jerky with the throttle :/ Perhaps some time spent in an empty carpark is due.

One bugger on my bike is that it's got the exact same turning circle as a daytona so the steering goes full lock pretty easily which really throws your balance on slow speed youies.
I need to stop reading this forum - everyone buying new stuff. I'm doing the bathroom over easter, so need to be sensible with money, but am itching to buy some motorbike goodies :D.
Haha :D
You did it! :eek:
I need to stop reading this forum - everyone buying new stuff. I'm doing the bathroom over easter, so need to be sensible with money, but am itching to buy some motorbike goodies :D.
I need new bits, not because I feel like it. But because my e.g. gloves are slowly falling apart, my commuting helmet is battered and XR1100 fit isn't perfect. Could do with some summer boots and a textile jacket too... :(
They're a bit cheaper :p

Not used it on the bike yet, but despite being heavy and quite rigid, it sits so nicely on your body that you could wear it all day. You can't feel the armour either, so nice and soft.
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