Biker's Cafe Chatroom

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I went gold the first time I changed mine but then realised it makes no difference when is constantly covered in road crap anyway so went silver this time.

I'd like a nice matching chain/sprocket/nuts but that'll have to wait until I have a nice weather bike :o
The sun is literally shooting from the sky saying, go out on your bike! :D On my favourite road, that I get my knee down Police are training unmarked coppers, so it kind of sucks... :(
Gloves are super tight. Don't want to go up to XL as I think they'll be too big. Hoping it's just the leather being new and needing breaking in.
You're lucky, you live close to some of the best roads... :(

I can easily say that 2CT's are great, only managed to slide the rear once mid corner when I gave it too much throttle and I had a gear lower for the corner than I should have. I barely felt it, went back to check and it left a mark. BTW I highly recommend a 120/70 for the front, it got rid of that feeling like the front is about to give up when you go faster round a corner. The worse bit about that is, you'll have chicken strips which are impossible to get rid of due to geometry of the bike. :(
Headed down to Chichester with a couple of mates, to meet with a vlogger called Lamb Chops (my mate subs, look qutie good videos though) who was test riding the new GSXR.


Amazing roads down that way!



I felt a bit out of place on my KTM...


Did he take you on that road he was riding the new 2017 RSV4 RF? That road looked awesome, he was pretty much going up and down. :p :D
I've not actually watched any of his video's yet, but he said it was his usual test ride route and I think we came out of the same place, so I guess it was, yes. Amazing roads. If I was better at the bendy bits, I would have loved it!
Sorry for the stupid questions. This is my first leather jacket. How long does it take to 'break' in?

I'm sure I have the right size but it just feels stiff and coming from a textile jacket which had plenty of movement I don't know if it's normal or if I do have the wrong size.
A bit of time, depends how often you use it. Try to wear it around home, even siting in leathers will help break them in.
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