Bikers Youtube thread

don't know if any have been posted before, but there are some great videos
from a guy called dave moss on suspension setup etc, there well worth a look.
search for dave moss or two clicks out

GoPro footage on my head so the fish eye gives a warped view of distance and speed, I am happy my friend was behind because his footage shows that we weren't going fast.
I was on the brakes as soon as I saw her cross the white line, which in reality was about two car lengths, stop starting the video from brakes to impact, 3 seconds? if that, not a chance of stopping :(

I apologise for my raging also but I was pretty shaken up, cringing watching it back now, I cut my footage short because there was lots of swearing, first thing I asked the guy was are the kids ok.
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Nasty!, funny how quickly adrenaline can get you on your feet tho, even when you've just bounced off the side of a blind numpties car.
Crikey, that all happened a bit too sudden, just glad to see you had no major injuries, could've been a whole lot worse.

Don't apologise for raging! I think you were more than justified for kicking off!!

As for the K5.. *sniff* :(
Fingers crossed I can buy her back!

I think that was the biggest shock for me I just was not expecting it, usually cars are stopped and angled in the road so its obvious they are going to turn, she wasn't even stopped in the road, it was a rolling manoeuvre and by the time I saw she was turning it was too late.

Yep still thanking my lucky stars now, could have gone into the car, or an oncoming car who knows, just lucky to still be here and just sore!
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