Bikers Youtube thread

I've got a video I want to share, but it's got a bit of bad language from some aussies in it. Is it against the rules to post it?

If so can I write the name of the video?

Or is it best to just not share it?

I got banned for posting an image of text the other day forgetting there was swear words in the copy and got banned...don't really want to do it again.
Yeah you cant post sweries in videos, but I see plenty on here just giving us the name of the video even if it contains swearies, that way its your choice to view it or not :p
Let's try this motovlogging thing without getting banned this time.

Renting a Yamaha XT660R Motorbike - Adventures in Portugal - S01E01

This time on The Swiss Motard:
- I visit Portugal
- I hire a Yamaha XT660R
- My adventure begins!
The bike is a beauty... I do end up crashing it twice in this series though!

Motard is biker in French, and makes me giggle so I went with that name :)
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If You Like Pina Coladas... and Fortaleza de Belixe - Adventures in Portugal - S01E02
This time on The Swiss Motard:
- Portugal is not the driest country in Europe
- I explore a fort in Belixe
- My girlfriend gets a little wet...
A fleeting visit to Cape St Vincent - Adventures in Portugal - S01E03
This time on The Swiss Motard:
- I briefly visit Cape St Vincent
- Kids in the road
- Erm... that's it!
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