I found that my downstream line attenuation was 42dB on G.DMT on the 1.06 range of firmwares (currently using 1.06e) but on the 1.05 it was 34dB. This lower value ties in with a Netgear DG834GT and a 3COM i have which also show either 33dB or 34dB. I think its just miscalcing the attenuation and it doesnt affect your sync.
As of today i am now on TalkTalk LLU with XILO (reseller) and my downstream attenuation is showing as 37dB so has dropped 5dB from the G.DMT value! On ADSL2+ it supposed to go up 3-4dB which infact it does compared to the Netgear and 3COM stats.
So to summarise i think the G.DMT downstream line attenuation in the latest firmwares is borked for some of us at least!
I am using Routerstats Lite to plot my noise margin over time, well worth a look and might help if you have noise issues.
I am also using Telnet to pull up more detailed router stats and its within that you can find out your interleaving depth or if you are on fastpath.
On Windows 7 you might have to enable/install Telnet, see here:-
Create a shortcut with the target telnet://
And once logged in to the router (your normal login and password for it) type or paste in adsl info --stats to bring up the router stats.
The "D" line nearish to the top will tell you your Interleaving depth, if its 1 then Interleaving is off and you are using Fastpath.
Thanks for info but my line attenuation has been same on both firmware.
It says D:16 on mine any ideas what this means?