It has to be balanced and competitive with the global landscape. We already suffer with very significant amounts of underinvestment. That’s not an argument to say have low taxes on billionaires. It has to be competitive with other nations. It would require all of the major economies, at least the G20 to synchronise on tax (and also prevent tax haven operations) which will take some doing.we agree that risks should come with rewards. You think the reward should be obscene billions wealth, AND very low tax? And if not both, this may stop billionaires looks to create more billions?
Surely a better incentive could be grants to help those businesses that take risks, paid for by the tax from already successful billionaires? Or are those companies not worth putting grants into? You see the issue here? Arguing that tax should be low else risk takers may not take risks and those job cresting companies don't get formed, is the ignoring all the other opportunities the tax could have been used to fund new companies that would also create jobs.
When it comes to normal people making investments and taking a risk with their money they should be incentivised to do that. It’s a positive contribution to society but has great risk to that individual.
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