Saw this on the BBC, and can't say I was surprised to find that billionaires don't pay anywhere near the same percentage of tax as most people. I think I was surprised at how little they do pay - Some literally pay nothing
This is a very dishonest framing anyway.
Just to be clear as to why it relies on comparing the taxes people pay on income to the taxes (if any) paid on 'wealth'.
It should be obvious why in some years billionaires pay effectively no tax.
For example Elon Musk made the headlines recently for 'losing' the largest amount of money recorded when the value of the shares he held went down significantly in value.
To make the dishonestly of this comparison more down to earth let's take the example of a couple in the UK in their late 50's or early 60's earning circa 50k each.
They have paid off their mortgage and have assest (mostly their house) worth £1 million.
Their immediate taxes paid on their incomes jointly would be just under £24,000 per annum (income tax and NI)
Which equates to some 2.4% of their 'wealth'
Not as small as the 0 - 0.5% quoted for the billionaires but the billionaire is quite a few orders of magnitude richer, wealth wise, vs the couple in my example.
And you can see that comparing that 2.4% to the earnings of a younger couple, on the same sort of salaries who were renting and who have essentially no assets to count as 'wealth' would provide another apparently large, and dishonest, difference.
2.4% vs 24%
Because it's smoke and mirrors that relies on you not noticing the substitution of wealth in to be compared with income.