It’s created plenty of jobs. Booksellers and game shops are outdated. Consumers vote with their feet and want convenience, see butchers, bakers etc vs supermarkets.
I don't think bookshops are outdated at all. People love them. They've just had to evolve and adapt, there are fewer, for sure. But the better ones in the right areas are fine. I can recall when people also said "Books are outdated?" when Kindle's arrived, that proved to be totally false as well. Again, same thing with vinyl, which would die off and CD's would reign supreme, what happened? Vinyl very much alive and kicking - CD's - completely dead.
Both vinyl and books offer intrinsic value as objects, they are evocative. CD's in the little olastic cases and the scrap of paper for a sleeve, can't compete with a record and real cover art and a gatefold sleeve, neither can a Kinder replicate the feeling of having a book. It's the same thing with bookshops vs Amazon.
Amazon offers a cheap and convenient way to buy books, it does not offer a quality browsing experience, it does not offer somewhere to meet friends and have a coffee.
People value different things, that's why bookshops, books and vinyl remain. As for Bakers, I'll got to my traditional family run local every time, and pay a bnit more rather than subject myself to Greggs and their disgusting baked goods.
Why do you think there are so many independent coffee shops and cafe's? Because are willing to pay a little more for a better experience than the Corpo run chains like Starbucks etc