Bin collections

I'm sure you won't be doing that when your fixed rate leccy ends. That's incredibly extra.

Not really. It only takes up a few slots. Probably a 8th of the top tray?

Obviously if it's a can of soup I rinse it there and then. But if it's something like a peanut butter jar.. That's going in!

There's always some space as we are only a 2 person house
Our neighbour hoses theirs out weekly.
I do mine when it starts to smell - a kettle of boiling water and some flash. However I did (in my absolute laziness) research bin cleaning services. It seems a few neighbors have signed up. The chap has a purpose built trailer to hold the bin whilst he jet washes it. I think it is silly money though - like £30 quid for 2 bins and its a monthly rolling thing.
That schedule looks like a nightmare to remember though, as it means that it's not an easy "alternating" collection (with brown weekly), but some weeks it's 1 small and 1 large, others it can be 1 small and two large and it's not going to be the same two large each time.
About the only way I'd remember that is to put the schedule up on the fridge, or set a reminder in the alexa app (or similar) so that it pops up on my screens the night before.
I've actually got it stuck up by the front door, and have written them all down on the calender for the year...
The only thing that gets collected out here is non-recyclable waste. Food waste goes in the compost bin that the Mayor provides. You take cardboard, cans, plastic bottles and glass items to the communal recycling bins near every village and hamlet. You take garden waste, old furniture, building waste and everything else to your local recycling centre.
Our council does not accept unwashed recycling. I just rinse out the bottles etc.

Plus can’t take things like pizza takeaway boxes as grease seeped into cardboard
Don’t recycle food cans anymore after cutting myself badly when washing out one.
corned beef tins ... when the key breaks and you have to use a knife/pliers/side-cutters ... I think feek had a thread on it;
would be interesting to see ROSPA statistics.
Just the two bins, one for general waste and the other for recycling, alternating weekly.

Any food waste goes in to our compost, except for meat as that attracts vermin we'd rather be without.

They don't collect glass so that has to go to the recycling bins at the local supermarket.
We have both the pink and black bags plus our food bins taken every Friday all in one hit. I would fail miserably with a schedule like that
Two big black bins on waste a fortnight I green bin or recycling a fortnight family of 6 .

I quite often need to get the ladder of and jumo in then to compact
What gets me is every council seems to have a completely different way of doing it. Mine's obviously mental.
No idea what the schedule is here in Torbay, they turn up when they feel like it and only empty the bins they like the look of. I've had mine go untouched for 5-6 weeks at a time.


Doesn't apply to my location, its a block of flats with multiple businesses on the ground floor. Collection I think is every 2-3 weeks as I can hear the dustbin lorry reversing in the morning.
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