11:14 - Sneaky bear: How do you already have the binding of isaac?
11:15 - ++Komix: byhacking lol
11:15 - Sneaky bear: no really
11:15 - Sneaky bear: How
11:15 - ++Komix: I made it
11:15 - Sneaky bear: You made what?
11:15 - ++Komix: the Bidnign of Isaac lol
11:15 - Sneaky bear: No you didn't
11:15 - Sneaky bear: Cmon now
11:16 - Sneaky bear: How did you really get it
11:16 - Sneaky bear: You're the only 1 on my list who can purchase it, and you've played it for a few hours
11:16 - ++Komix: my name is FLorian Himsl I progammed the Binding of Isaac haha
11:17 - Sneaky bear: Are you serious?
11:17 - ++Komix: yep